15 Knowledge

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Turns out I didn't have to really explain that much. 10 seconds after Husky said what he did Mandy comes walking in saying "I'm 99% sure she will be on board. but there are 2 things you might need to know and do. 1 It's actually better for you to get your milk from me directly. As long as you don't bite, it actually feels better when a kid drinks then that pump. And 2 prove to me that you're actually 15 and from the future. You do that and I'm in." She chuckled when she saw our faces. Both of our jaws dropped and we couldn't stop staring at her. Then she pointed to the baby monitor and said "It's been on the whole time. I already heard every word you two have been saying. And you Max. You don't sound like any 1 year old I have ever heard. You think and talk like you're a lot older. I'm impressed if what I heard is true that you haven't gone completely nuts by now. I'm sure I would have. Being stuck in a babies body when you're what, 15? That must really suck." And it did at times.

Proving that I was from the future was not an ease as I thought it would be. We three went to the living room and turned on the tv. The lottery was just starting and I wrote down the numbers that were going to be picked. Then I handed them to her. She was impressed, but she thought it was a trick of some kind even tho it was live and not a recording. So I asked her what would prove that I was from the future. She told me to tell her tomorrow's lotto numbers. And I promptly told her no. She asked me why. And I told her about the person that was going to win the next time wan't going to be for a week and if I gave her those numbers it would change the time line. I don't know how, but that actually made her believe me.

Proving that I was 15 was so easy, it was actually sad at the same time. She asked me what I was thinking when I first saw her. It slipped out. I said it before I could even think about it. "I was thinking how hot you looked." I covered my mouth with both hands and turned as read as any could get. Both Mandy and Husky laughed at me but Mandy picked me up and hugged me. And once again I had to put my hands on both sides of my head and push. I took a deep breath and said "No do that. Can't breath." And then I noticed where my hands were and moved them. Mandy moved me to the side and apologized.

Then she got really serious and sat down with me on her lap facing her. "Max. Theres something you need to understand." She took my hands in hers. And she put my hands on her chest. "These are not toys to play with." I was turning red. "You can consider them food if you want." I was trying to pull my hands away from her chest. "I will even let you use them as pillows if you want." I was pulling as hard as I could but I couldn't move my hands away from her. "Any time day or night if you need or want them you can have them." I looked at Husky and then back at her. I was starting to panic. "But under no circumstances are you to go groping me like your big brother over there wishes he could." She patted her chest with my hands and hers. "Do you understand?" I wet myself and nodded.

Husky laughed so hard even I could tell he was having a hard time breathing."I think you just scared the pee right out of him." Husky said between bouts of laughter. And all I could do was nod. I kept looking at my hands on her chest. Not at her chest, but my hands.

"I...I sometimes not...not 15. An I not know what I do. An" I looked at Husky in a panic. He knew what I was trying to say. I pleaded with my eyes to explain.

He saw the panic in my eyes and grabbed for me. "Give him here. You over did it." He took me and hugged me. I curled up in to a ball and he wrapped his arms around me. "Can you put that blanket over him please?" I was covered quickly. I was trying to calm down. I was scared and nerves and I didn't know what to do. My eyes started to water. Then it felt like my nose started leaking, so I was sniffing. Then I started shaking all over and I couldn't make it stop. I heard them talking but I couldn't understand the words. Then it all disappeared.

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