Insider Information! Sano Reveals All!

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"You want to join in on our raid?" questioned Aotsuki.

 "That's right. I believe that you and your crew are the light of hope I have been waiting for," told Sano.

"I see. Can I ask you something before I accept?" asked Aotsuki.

"Go ahead, Aotsuki-san." accepted Sano.

"Tell me everything you know about Jiergi."

Sano looked shocked by the request of Aotsuki. The request wasn't the thing that shocked him. It was the fact that it was such a simple request.

"Of course! Where do you want me to begin?" started Sano.

"Do you know of true intentions of the Nova Kingdom?" Aotsuki put out there bluntly.

"I guess you're talking about the Dragonification Project. I know full well what's happening in that regard."

"You do?! What's going on?" pushed Aotsuki.

"Let me begin with the main points to this project."

Both Aotsuki and Sano got comfortable as they knew that this conversation would go on for a long time. There were a few key things that the Nova Kingdom needed to be able to make Project Dragonification be a success. 

One was that according to their predictions, the next generation of soldiers would be the perfect weapons. There are currently only two generations in existence, however, thanks to the help of a certain someone, this third generation that is coming will be the best of them all.

"Who helped them?" questioned Aotsuki.

"As you are aware, some of the 7 Devils are involved with the Nova Kingdom. The people working for them is Belephegor and Levithan. However, there is one more person in the Capitani Oscuri that has helped them. He goes by the name of Shinra." revealed Sano.

"Shinra!" exclaimed Aotsuki.

"Yes, it seems he has swayed the greatest scientist of the Demon Realm to his side, Arata Nobunaga. Since he's joined the project, the Nova Kingdoms progression on the project has advanced very quickly. Despite that, it is projected that this third generation will be completed in two years time."

The second piece of information that Sano had to offer was the meaning behind this project. It was said that the Nova Kingdom want to start a war on the Good Demon Realm along with Worlds Destination. 

The main reason this all came about was due to a summit that took place two years prior. Akimitsu and the princess of Worlds Destination, Princess Hibana, agreed that the methods used for training in the Nova Kingdom were unethical. The way the Nova Kingdom handled things were done disturbingly, and action needed to happen for it to be stopped.

This discussion ended up making changes in the Nova Kingdom. However, they were able to slip the Dragonification Project past the radar due to having their labs in the Dark Demon Realm or hidden in one of these Villages that lead to the Nova Kingdom.

"I see." nodded Aotsuki.

"It's scary how one Kingdom can show off some much fear." shivered Sano.

Finally, the information that would throw Aotsuki completely off guard. Sano revealed that Jiergi is a first-generation of the Dragonification Project. 

"What?!" gasped Aotsuki.

"The King of the Nova Kingdom, Jack Ryuk, wanted to put the Dragonification subjects to the test. So, he let Jiergi become the King of this tower and flaunt the strength of the first generation," told Sano.

Aotsuki took a moment to soak all of that information. He couldn't believe what he has been told. However, the information was something that would be able to change the future more easily.

"That's just what I wanted to hear! Welcome aboard, Sano!" welcomed Aotsuki.

So with all that information being told to Aotsuki, he allowed Sano to tag along and fight together.

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Authors Comment: I'm starting to watch some YouTubers that I haven't watched in a while. I always watch them and think to myself, why do I stop watching them? XD

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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