The Zion Raid Introduction

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The training period for Aotsuki and the others is now over! It's the first week of September and they are now feeling confident and ready to take on the Jiergi, the leader of the Zion Tower!

As mentioned previously, the Zion Tower has ten Floor Leaders, or Zion's, that control the floors. All but one of the Zion's follow the orders of Jiergi. It is said this is the only place that the leaders of the floors are of Demon race and not Nova.

Not only have they been training for the past 10 months, Aotsuki and the others have also collated enough information about the Zion's and what they are capable.

The powers that the Zion's possess are granted from the military power of the Nova Kingdom. Their powers consist of Aqua, Earth, Wind, Fire, Fiesta, Mist, Armour, Mind and Wave. It says that the mysterious power is an artificial stone tabloid that was implement into the the Demons.

Jiergi has his Nova powers and has a mysterious power that not even the Zion's know about. Since he works for the Military of the Nova Kingdom, he can't reveal his true powers even to his own men.

Knowing all of this, Aotsuki and the others are feeling ready and confident about getting the job done and to find out the true secret of Dragonification!

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