The Second Floor! The Earth Zion!

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Now that Aotsuki and the others have beat Jetz Blaine, they made their way to the second floor, The Earth Floor!

From the information they gathered, the floor was just a massive wonderland of trees ranging from tall to small. Greenery filled the room and the lights were giving off temperatures like the sun. It was just as if they were outside.....

The Zion who is looking after this fall is called Bruce Woodson. He was apparently a notorious demon in the Dark Demon Realm. They say that all the trees on this floor are made up of souls that Bruce brutally murdered in his heyday.

"This woods gives me the creeps....", cringed Luna.

"It does give off a dark vibe.", agreed Shusaka.

"This is sad....", said Aotsuki as he touched the tree.

"What's the matter, Master Aotsuki?", asked Yushiro.

"These trees definitely have souls trapped in them.", revealed Aotsuki.

"What?", gasped Giugiaro.

"Master Tekeshi taught me this. If you channel your Demon Energy and fine tune it with your soul, you can feel and sense any souls around you. It took me years to learn it but it has paid off in the past.", told Aotsuki.

"So the rumours are true.....", shivered Shusaka.

"C....Creepy!!!", cried Luna.

"We must move on! Be alert, that Bruce guy will be lurking somewhere. I can feel his bloodthirst from here.", warned Aotsuki.

They carried on working their way through the woods to find Bruce and defeat him and move onto the next stage. However, that is not how Bruce operates. It's been noted in that past that he kills his prey by manipulating the Tree Souls and luring in the opponents. He suffocates them to point of near unconsciousness and the brutal pierces the victim in the heart with the sharp branch.

And he just did what I just described.....

He silently dragged Luna in by wrapping the branches around her mouth tightly and slowly dragging her away from the group. She was kicking and screaming but no one paid any attention to it.

"Help! Help me, you guys! Help me, Giugiaro!!", thought Luna.

Just as her thoughts for Giugiaro came into fruition, Giugiaro turned around and to his shock, he could see Luna being dragged off.

Raged overcame him and he pulled out his Dual Willbreaker's and shot a vast amount of Demon Energy at the tree, but that didn't stop or help the situation.

"Dammit!", cursed Giugiaro.

"Keep calm, Giugiaro!", called Aotsuki.

"But....Luna will......!", protested Giugiaro.

"The only way to stop a Soul Possessed object is to take down the user. We need to find Bruce!", explained Aotsuki.

"How are we going to do that?! This place has plenty of hiding spots?!", panicked Yushiro.

"Time is of the essence, we need to find that bastard and quick!", rushed Giugiaro.

"Stop panicking! It's going to get us nowhere.", Aotsuki affirmed.

"The man with the silver hair is right. If you know my personality well enough, you will know that I don't kill my victims straight away. No, I love to make them suffer, feel like their whole lives will flash before their very own eyes. The look, the tears, the gasp for desperation! Ah! I love it all!", jested what seemed to be Bruce talking from afar.

"You asshole! Wait till I get my hands on you! I will kill you!", exploded Giugiaro.

"Find me, if you can....Hahahahha!", laughed the fading voice of Bruce.

Just as he left, multiple branches came shooting out towards them and they had to fend them off with their weapons. Aotsuki tried to remove them all at once using his Foxfire ability but it resulted to nothing. The more they attacked the branches, the more they grew. The strength of the branch increased drastically and it took more than one hit to get rid of them.

"There's no end to these! What are we going to do, Master Aotsuki?!", asked Shusaka.

"I have an idea. Giugiaro, I am sorry to put this on you but, try doing what I said before about fine tuning your Demon Energy with your soul! Since Bruce is controlling all these Trees, his soul should be on display to the highest degree!", informed Aotsuki.

"Okay.....I will give it a shot!", nodded Giugiaro.

Giugiaro closed his eyes and tried to align his soul with his Demon Energy. It was a hard concept to grab ahold of but he could feel the sensation that he was broadening his mind and gaining an ability that the mind should never achieve. 

"I can see you, Bruce Woodson!", yelled Giugiaro.

From afar, Bruce looked uninterested and knew that Giugiaro was just bluffing......or was he?

Giugiaro used his Oni-Sense: Vision Lock and aimed his gun to the area that Bruce was in. Filled with anger at what he is doing to Luna, he launches off one of his powerful attacks.

"Let go of my Luna!! Dual Willbreaker: Despair Blast!"


The black and red blast went firing into the direction of Bruce and decimated the area. He checked his the search ability and could see the pulse of Bruce's soul slowly dimmer. The branches slowly pulled away from them all and removed their clutch around Luna.

Giugiaro quickly came to her aid and held her up right to make sure she is fine.

"M....My hero!', proclaimed Luna.

"I'm glad you are fine, Luna!", smiled Giugiaro.

"Look at them couple of love birds!", teased Shusaku.

"Shut up!", blushed Giugiaro.

Now that Giugiaro defeated Bruce, Aotsuki and the others made their way to the Third Floor......The Wind Floor!!!

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways Gaiden: Aotsuki's Adventure! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! Remember we are trying to hit 1000 reads on the main story, so I would love it if you share it out!

Authors Comment: As mentioned in some of the main story chapters, there will be more chapters added than first planned! I hope you look out for them all!!!

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