The Fifth Floor! The Fiesta Zion!

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After Yushiro's and Shusaka's brilliant win against John Flame, Aotsuki and the others met a guy by the name of Sano Urayama. 

Sano is the Fifth Zion of the Zion Tower. He has short black hair, and wears nothing but a white loincloth and carries a drum on his shoulders.

Sano was never sold on the dream that Jiergi told him. He never understood the reasoning behind his intentions. He also always felt the things that the rest of his so-called colleagues had negative impacts on peoples lives.

"Please come to my floor, rebels. Use this as a chance to recuperate your energy," stated Sano excitedly.

"We will take you up on that offer, Sano-san." accepted Aotsuki.

Shusaku, Yushiro and Sano helped Aotsuki, Giugiaro and Luna back up and headed to the Fiesta Floor. Thanks to Sano being a rebel to Jiergi, he secretly planted a Warp Portal on all the floors to allow him to have the most mobility. 

It felt like their energy has been lifted when they walked through the portal. It was like a never-ending party once they stepped into the Fifth Floor. Spotlights covered the dark walls and ceiling. There were huts dotted around the room that had gold lights surrounding the path.

It was like a wonderland!

Sano directed Aotsuki and the others to a quiet area. He did this so they can adjust to the lively area.

"Thank you for helping us back there, Sano-san. We are indebted to you." thanked Aotsuki as he sat down on the stool.

"There is no need to thank me! The fact that the Aotsuki Nakamura is here is more than enough." smiled Sano.

"Is Master Aotsuki that popular?" asked Yushiro.

"Of course! He is just as popular as the cat guy who used to be the Vice-Captain of Master Akimitsu," told Sano.

"Keiichineko is that guy's name. He seems to be the one that is training my Master right now." Giugiaro chipped in.

"Your Master?" questioned Sano.

"I made a promise with the guy that Keiichineko is training. I promised him that once I've repented for my sins, I would join his Clan." reminisced Giugiaro.

"Oh! You mean the upcoming lad called Suzuki Fujimura! He's been the talk of the town for a while now." exclaimed Sano.

"You're really making a name for yourself, huh, Suzuki..." thought Aotsuki.

"I look forward to seeing him too. Since you and the cutie I fought back then seem to rate him highly." chirped Luna.

"Then, we want to see this Suzuki Fujimura guy too!!!" chimed in both Yushiro and Shusaka.

Once them two said that, all of them began to laugh due to the random conversation.

"Now then...Let's party!" cheered Sano.

Now that they have become accustomed to the area, Sano pushes them out into the open so they can join in on the fun.

All they did was dance and have a good time throughout a bleak time and adventure. However, there is something that Sano wanted to ask Aotsuki.

"Aotsuki-san. Please may I ask a favour of you?" began Sano.


"Let me join you on this raid! I want to teach that Jiergi a lesson!" declared Sano.

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways Gaiden: Aotsuki's Adventure! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! We have now hit 1000 reads on the main story! Thank you for your continued support!

Authors Comment: Since I skipped a month, the story will be one chapter less. I'm sorry for that!

P.S. Thank you @Cool05guy2000 for helping me with the creation of Sano!

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