Chapter 57

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"Since everyone was asleep.", I said examining my now bandaged arms. "HUH! All night!", he said putting the bandages on the table. " Why we're you outside all night?", I responded defensively. He sputtered and looked around guilty before falling silent. "You need to sleep.", he said after a few minutes of awkward silence. " So do you.", I countered crossing my arms. "Prime, your so stubborn.", he said smiling as he picked me up, much to my objection. He threw me on the bed and when I went to get up he picked up and placed one of Technos wolves on top of me. Of course the wolf didn't bridge when I tried to push it off for it only took that as wanting to play. The wolf making racket attracted the other wolves in the house and soon there I was under a swarm of hyper wolves. Rainbow looked as confused as I was as to why all of Technos wolves were going n the house instead of outside in the doghouse. He just shrugged and went up the ladder leaving me to be suffocated by the whole wolfpack trying to fit on my bed at once. I had to wait till morning so Techno could call them off my bed.

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