009 - May 13

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It had been a few days since the gacha cringe thing and you'd forgotten about 'HisokaBigToe' and their friend. Until you got a message from Wilbur.

You read over it, confused.

You need to leave you house NOW.

You sighed thinking it was some joke.

Lol, why?

Check the PMCYT community on Twitter..

You scoffed and typed in 'PMCYT', on Twitter. You froze as you saw the first two tweets.

I can't believe someone leaked Crowcores Address. I can't wait to go to his house! Remember everyone! #PMCYT #CrowCore #May13 #BeThere #Problematic #CrowCoreAddress

I'm so lucky I live close to him! I got to leak his address! I knew that stupid bitch you pay

This was a code red. You called Alex in the room. "Um, we need to start packing. I'm sure Will will let us stay by his place for a bit" you said frantically and nervously "woah, babe, whats wrong? Why're you in such a panic?" He asked with genuine concern.

"Alex.. I've been.. I've been doxxed and I'm assuming from a tweet I saw they'll be coming May Thirteenth, which might I remind you is in two weeks" you said. "Uh, okay okay. I'll help you pack"

You spent the next three hours packing. And then you called Will "I hope its fine if Alex and I stay with you for a bit until I find a new house" you said over the phone. "Yeah of course i'm okay with you staying" Will said and chuckled "and Alex?" "..eh, fine.." He said half jokingly.

You giggled "okay, me and Alex are about to head to your place after we get everything in my car" you said. "Okay then, I'll see you soon"

Heyyyyy, sorry for the very late update I've just been feeling rather depressed lately but I don't wanna keep y'all waiting. Also please don't dox people, it can hurt them mentally and they could end up being physically rude. You don't know what they been through or how they are behind the screen/ when the camera goes off.

This will be a story arc I guess, protective Wilbur too! :)

Habibi //Uke!Quackity X Seme!Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now