012 - Manchester

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You woke up at 9 and made cereal. You decided on 3 places in the UK as you didn't wanna move to a new country. You would either just move to somewhere else in Brighton, go to Manchester, or go to the most well known city in the UK, its capital, London.

You put it in a name picker and got Manchester so you began searching for houses. You found a few you liked, Manchester was 4 hours away by car though so you could tell this would be a long day.

You emailed some of the people who responded surprisingly quick, in an hour or less. They allowed you to come check out the properties.

You got dressed quietly as the others were still sleep. You brushed out your hair and grabbed your car keys. You got in your car and drove to Manchester, it was 3:20 PM by the time you got there.

You got to the first house it was nice. Relatively large. 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Though it was definitely cost more then it was worth. I mean £17,000? The next place was an apartment. It was large for an apartment with 2 bedrooms but only 1 bathroom.

By the end of they day you were at a final house for the day. It was decently priced, large, had 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

The real estate agent smiled at you "You seem pretty young, so I doubt you have a large family so why did you choose to look over this house?" They asked. "Oh, well I'm gonna share one with boyfriend and we both make videos so there is two recording studios and a guest room" you said.

The agent nodded and continued to show you around. "There is also a pool and this house has a basement and attic that actually come with keys to lock them. All doors are lockable as well" they said. "That's cool" you said.

They showed you to the backyard were there was a large pool, this house seemed really good.

The backyard was large too which would be perfect for a outdoor stream or something.

The wood flooring perfectly went perfectly with the white walls of the place. Plus it wasn't too deep into the city and the neighborhood seemed relatively quiet. It was peaceful. It seemed too good to be true!

"But I'm also legally obligated to tell you that this house did belong to a serial killer in 2001, 3 people died on the property and from the serial killers words at least 10 bodies were brought into the property"

Well there's the catch..

"O-Oh.. Okay.. That was 20 years ago though so I have no reason to be worried? Right?"  You began to feel a bit worried. "Yes, all bodies have been removed and property has been renovated but my company says I must say this in case of Christians, Wiccans, or anything like that, generally superstitious people with those beliefs" Says the real estate agent.

You nodded "Okay then, brushing off that topic. My boyfriend's mother is taking care of his Cat in Mexico so I was wondering if this property is pet friendly" "yes yes, of course." The agent went on to tell you about the place and the great neighborhood with a low crime rate and all that jazz.

"Hm.. I think I'll be buying this home" you said. The agent smiled "great!" They smiled and handed you a clipboard with the paper(s) you needed to sign. You looked over the papers and then happily signed.

When you got back to Wilbur home it was midnight. You quietly went to the shower as you hadn't done that all day. You turned on the hot water and sighed. You heard the door open and close but thought maybe one of the boys needed to use the restroom and you paid either Alex or Wilbur no mind.

Until you felt two arms snake around your waist. You look to see Alex who wad now naked and showering with you. "Pft, shouldn't you be sleep?" You ask. "You left before I woke up so I couldn't spend time with you today, I fell asleep waiting for you and didn't take a shower so I'm showering right now" Alex said tiredly. You giggled "you really are something else.." Alex smiled as he felt a small kiss on his forehead.

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