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Wonyoung's POV

I am your typical tall 1st year college students. As a 1st year college student I am still adjusting to the new environment that I'm experiencing now but I got into it really quickly. Meeting new people and having new friends is fun. Having a peaceful college life is kind of boring. It is boring until a tall girl maybe a little bit taller than me asked me something that caught me off guard.

"Hey Wonyoung." This is Yujin one of my classmate. We aren't that close we've been group mates for some projects, we have some casual talks but it is all about our subject nothing personal. She is older than me and also she's tall, slim, pretty and cute at the same time. She called me before I come out of our class room. I stopped and faced her.

"What is it Yujin?" I asked her. I noticed that her eyes roaming around and can't looked at me directly. She looks very hesitant and want to say something to me.

"I know that it is a bit weird and very rush but can I ask you something important?" She's asking for a favor that's why she can't look at me, maybe she has this side that is very shy.

"What is it? Do you need notes or do you need a help for a subject you can ask for my help don't be shy about it." I assure her but instead of relaxing she's now bit more tensed. What is it that she wants to ask that make her look tensed like that.

"it is not about school." Huh is it something personal that can't be we are not that close.

"Then what?"

"I know that we barely know each other and we aren't that close but I found you very kind and charming add up to that is that you are very Beautiful and cute." Wait what is she saying I can't comprehend what she's talking about. And where is this going to? "Wonyoung can I court you?" wait did I just here it right?

"Can you repeat what did you just say Yujin I think I heard it wrong."

"You heard it right I said can I court you." I just stare at her. for a few moments my mind went blank and I can't think clearly. "Hey I'm just asking you can reject me if you want."

"But why? Like what you said we don't know each other very well what made you decide that you will court me. Are you just being dared to do this if it is stop it already because you might hurt someone and it is not a good thing to play with someone's emotion." She waved her hands at me.

"No this is not a dare Wonyoung. I want to know you more by courting you, I don't want you to get mixed signal when I want to get closer to you. I don't want you to misunderstand that I just want to be friend because that is not my intentions, I want more than that Wonyoung. And I admit that I like you for your looks but I want to know you more than that, more than a tall and pretty girl who stole my heart the moment eyes laid on you." Where did she got this courage from it's her words are too fluttering for me to handle add up to that she's now looking at me eye to eye.

"Gosh you are very straight forward how can you say that directly."

"I've been thinking about this for a while now. So can I?" should I give her a chance? Maybe I should what can go wrong.

"Yes you can court me." Give her a very shy smile. And just now I can feel the embarrassment.

"Before we go home. Can I ask your parents' permission? Are they okay that a girl is courting their daughter?" I felt like there's butterflies in my stomach.

"Yes they are open about my preference. That's why you are lucky that they are supportive on me choosing I who will I like."

"it's nice to know that. I should walk you to your car or to the bust stop."

"Ok let's go. I don't have a car so I'll be taking the bus." I simply told her.

I may look calm in front of her but in my head everything is a mess. It's my first time that someone asked me if they can court me, normally they directly confess to me and ask me to be their girlfriend which I immediately reject. But Yujin is different yes she confessed to me that she likes me with my looks but what makes her different is she's willing to know me who am I as a person which I really appreciate.

As we are walking she insists that she'll carry some of my things. So I just let her carry some of my books. "Wonyoung when should I come to your house to formally tell your parents that I am courting you?" Oh she's really serious about it.

"I'll ask them about that." She simply nods and smiled to me.

3 months has passed since Yujin confessed to me and started to court me. She gets the approval from my parents which made her very happy. How did my parents react about it? Well they're very happy that somehow she still wants to court me and she still gets the approval first of the parents. They always say that I'm lucky that in this kind of age where everything is fast phased there's Yujin who's willing to take it slow and make sure that I will make the right decision.

Within that 3 months I admit I'm slowly falling for Yujin. I slowly getting to know her better. She has the right amount flirting skills, she's not touchy to me which I really like she always asks for permission if she wants to hold my hands or put her hand on my shoulder. Sometimes I'll refuse to her request just to see what's her reaction about it and she passed I never see a disappointed look from her.

Even though she has a great personality she still has a bad side well everyone has. She's has a bad temper when it comes to doing her homework or any school work thankfully she listens to me. When she's upset she tends not to talk which irritates me because I love talking to her.

"Jinie aren't you tired?" That nickname I give it to her because she always calls me Wonie.

"Of school activities? Yes."

"No not from school activities but from me from waiting for my answer? I know that in or age dating is much faster but I like to take things slowly." She looked at me and smiled. How I love those smile.

"Wonie why would I be tired of waiting for you I like you that's why I won't get tired of waiting for you."

"What if I end up not liking you back and just wasted your time? Would you regret it?" Yujin gives me a very meaningful smile.

"No why would I regret spending time and being close to the person I like. I'd rather Take the risk of being reject rather than regretting things and asking 'what ifs' to myself. Even if you'll reject me I won't regret anything Wonie because spending time with you will be one of my greatest memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life." She took a deep breath and look away from me "Do you know why did I court you beside for the reason that I like you instead of asking you to go out with me and date me?" I just shook my head in response.

"To give you freedom to choose whether you really like me or not. Besides that, I want you to know who I really am as a whole not just a person who really likes you. I want a deeper meaning to a relationship. I wanted for the both of us to like each other as who we really are and not just for physical appearance because looks can fade but my personality will remain the same." She's so mature about this and here I am always panicking on what should I do when we she's near me or getting some physical interaction.

2 months has passed and everything is a mess for me not because of studies but because of Yujin. Well to her defense she didn't do anything wrong in fact she is doing well in courting me. I love everything she do for me especially those little things. I am the problem here I don't know whether we should start dating because for me it is too early. But my heart keeps saying we should.

Back to the present time.

"Do you like her.' DJ Bi asked me.

"To tell you the truth yes I really like her." I heard a very soft chuckle.

To be continued.

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