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Sakuras's POV

It rings for a few times then a feminine voice answered. I didn't expect that my call will be answered that quickly.

"hello this is Yena a moderator for Fixing a Broken Heart are you here for an advice?"

"Yes me and my ex-girlfriend recently broke up." Am I really doing this? Will this be effective? Well I am already here there is no turning back.

"Ok you'll be on air after this song just wait for a while."

Eunbi's POV

Last song before I air and my team already talked to my next caller saying that she's recently break up with her ex-girlfriend. And needed advice I hate it when they didn't give me a full situation or background about our caller. I take a deep breath and que.

"Hello Good evening this is your cute and sexy DJ, DJ Bi and this is the program where we help people who are facing love problems. Fixing a broken heart." I said with my most enthusiastic voice that I have.

"So let's proceed to our next caller. Hello?" I'm anticipating a male voice but to my surprise I heard an angelic voice.

"Hi DJ Bi." oh my gosh her voice is sweet it's the most beautiful voice that I ever heard ever since I started my career as a DJ.

"Oh hi. Can you tell me what should we call you? In this program we value your privacy." Yes, I tend to throw shade for other DJ who are forcing their callers to say their real name.

"Just call me Kkura. To be honest I'm bit nervous that you'll reveal my real name." A nervous laughter ended her statement. I think it's her first time to listen to me.

"Oh I'm assuming you're not a listener because I always say those lines."

"Um yes I just saw an ad. On social media that your program gives an advice about love. So I gamble and tried to call but I Never expect that I'll get picked."

"It's okay Kkura so let's start. So what's your story?" I started to play a very sad background song to set up the mood.

"Me and now my ex-girlfriend broke up because she's telling me that she wants to explore she wants to be free. She's tired of our relationship for the reason that it felt like a routine. No excitement no more fluttering things that's happening." She stopped her voice is very shaky right now.

"Ok Ms. Kkura how can she say that? Or maybe you are lacking on something at some point of your relationship for her to say that. Sorry for sounding a bit rude but I'm just a straight forward person." I just want to let her know that's my personality and I want her to know that if she has a problem I won't hesitate to point it out.

"It's okay I don't get offended easily. And to answer your question yes I admit that at some point I'm lacking for her. That's why she looked for that attention from multiple people. "

"So your telling me that she cheated on you multiple times and you still forgive her and stayed with her?" It's a bit shocking to hear that. I can't judge her every people is different.

I heard a forced chuckle. "Yes and if you're going to say that I'm dumb I will agree with you." I'm about to speak but she continued. "Yes I'm dumb but it's so hard for me to let go of your lover especially when she's also your best friend and your pillar of strength. You can blame me for being weak hearted but I can't just throw away years of friendship and being a lover." I cursed in my head as I'm listening to her story.

"So can you tell me what really happened?" I'm not that kind of a DJ who tends to dig up some stories but her story intrigues me.

"So she's my best friend from high school we develop a romantic feeling for each other but we are too afraid to take the risk. But at some point we can't control our feelings towards each other and we tried to be in a relationship and it worked. Everything is going fine until she opened up that she wanted to have sex. Oh is it okay for me to talk that kind of topic?" She's bit worried by it.

"Yes you can but you can't talk about details. You can continue now. "

"Thank you. Back to the story. So she wants to have sex. I know that she has already have an experience to it but I don't have. So I rejected her for a few times. Until one day I've read one of her conversation with another woman that she they have a great time. It breaks me so I confronted her. Out of anger and jealousy I give her my virginity just to satisfy her needs. I ended up crying that night, while she's satisfied on what I give her." What the fuck did I just hear everyone in the booth is silent. I disconnect our mics for being on air and I talked to her.

"Kkura nobody can hear us right now. You can stop telling your story if you feel uncomfortable." I assure her not to force herself to tell her story.

"It's okay I need an advice so let me tell you the story with the listeners."

"Ok so will be airing now. "

"Sorry for that we had a technical difficulty so let's hear it again with Ms. Kkura."

"Right so after that incident sex become a routine. She's the only one enjoying it. I'm afraid that she'll leave me if I stopped her. I get lost, I tend to get myself to be busy with work just to forget what's happening in me I tend to ignore her message. To cut the story short she cheated again with me with 2 different women this time." Shit her story is very heavy.

"Ok so let me say a few words about it." She hummed in response.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for that. Yes, your dumb but you have a reason. As I can see you tend to lean on her because she's not just your lover but she's also your best friend."

"But at the end of the day I have a part on why we broke up. " she's still blaming herself for the breakup which is bad.

"That's not true Kkura. Cheating is always a choice. You don't have a control whether she will cheat on you or not. Just look at the situation. Whether you give her what she wants it or not she will cheat on you. And cheating is never an accident. It is a choice"

To be continued.

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