9. All Alone

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"Jungkook, Jimin, let's help pack Ryujin's stuff." You call them over and they quickly escape from the scene.

It wasn't long before Ryujin walks out with a big suitcase behind her. "I'll walk you to your new dorm." You say and head out with her, leaving Jungkook and Jimin behind.

On your way towards Ryujin's new dorm, she asks you quietly, "Y/N, why did she make me move out? Weren't you the one who's closer to Jungkook? It doesn't seem sensible for me walking out instead of you..." You agree with her. You weren't sure either. However, thinking about it for a while, it became crystal clear of why she did it.

"To provoke me..." You mumble under your breath and look down.

"Gosh! That's so loathsome. Who does she think she is?! Beyoncé?"

You chuckle sadly. "I guess she found out about my unclear relationship with Jungkook. She knows we aren't together and it won't seem appropriate for me to be so overly protective about him. Unless, I actually have feelings for him..."

"But you have!" Ryujin protests. You bite your lip in uncertainty.


"Look, I won't force you to do anything, Y/N. Just do whatever your heart tells you to."

You drop her off to her new dorm and walk back.

~Back at the dorm~

"Jungkook! I'll need your help in mathematics!" Sujin exclaims opening her book with enthusiasm. Jungkook is left in an awkward position. He didn't want to deny up front nor he wanted to help her. Thankfully Jimin saves him by calling him into his room. "Jungkook! A word with you?"


He walks off leaving Sujin in an embarrassing position.

Closing the door behind him, Jimin crosses his arms over his chest and inquires Jungkook, "I'm pretty sure you know why Sujin is here." Jungkook nods his head heavily. "That's why I'm asking you to make it clear to Sujin. You belong with Y/N." Jimin said enunciating each and every word.

Jungkook looks up with a panicked face.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "I know, I know. I've heard your senseless explanations a billion times. But, what I'm trying to say is that I'm a 100% sure that Y/N feels the same way about you." "H-how can you tell?" Jungkook asks slowly. Jimin sighs helplessly, "They say that love makes you stupid and I'm starting to see why."

Receiving a deathly glare from Jungkook, Jimin speaks once more before leaving the room. "Just listen to your heart, dummy."

As soon as Jimin exits his room, you enter your dorm with a heavy heart. And seeing Sujin casually sitting on the couch as if she belonged to this place disgusted you to the core. You were no longer in the mood to study and needed time to yourself. You see Jimin grab his baseball equipment and leave the dorm. Giving you a sympathetic look before closing the door behind him.

Without wasting another second you storm off into your room and spend the rest of the day inside, occasionally chatting with Ryujin through text.

~The next day~

You hadn't eaten dinner the last night so you were hungry and decided to meet Ryujin in the canteen in a while. Sujin was no where to be seen and you were glad. The door of Jungkook's room was slightly open and you could hear him move about hurriedly in his room.

You knock the door lightly and peek inside to see his room in a mess.

Hearing the knock on his door, he stops whatever he's doing and turns towards you. "Oh, Y/N! What a pleasant surprise. I was planning to see you. Eh... After I was done packing." 

He says with a big smile on his face.

"Packing?!" You exclaim with shock and confusion at the same time.

"Oh yes, you don't know about it. Well, the thing is that I'm moving back with my parents for the holidays!" He answers with a cute smile but seeing your grim expression he looks away. "Y/N... I... I'm sorry. I'm leaving you at a time like this. Ryujin's moved out, and now I'm going too, leaving you with Sujin."

You quickly shake your head and grin weakly. "Ah, don't get me wrong! It's just that all of this happened so quickly and I've started to feel a bit lonely. But, don't worry about me, ha-ha. Jimin's still here and that's better than nothing!"

To stop your heart from aching, you look around his room and offer to help, "Looks like you need a hand?" 

Jungkook chuckles softly, "I could definitely use a helping hand!" And also spend some time alone with you before I go... He thinks sadly.

With your help, Jungkook was done packing his stuff pretty fast and now you both were waiting in the hallway outside the dorm, for Jungkook to receive his parents call.

Unfortunately, you see Sujin heading in your direction. When she sees that Jungkook is standing beside you she instantly runs up to him. Completely ignoring your presence, she beams at Jungkook. As she was about to open her mouth to speak, her gaze lands on the suitcases beside him and her smile disappears.

"W-where are you going?" She nervously asks.

"I'm going back home for the holidays." He replies without much emotion.

Sujin's face turns ugly by the end of his sentence. She wasn't expecting him to leave the very next day after she managed to switch dorms. She spent a lot of effort convincing her uncle, who was the vice principal of the college, to let her switch the dorms after making so many excuses. All her hard work went down the drain.

"When will you return?" Sujin asks innocently. You were about to vomit blood looking at how close Sujin was trying to act with Jungkook. Once again without any changes in his expression, Jungkook answers her with patience. "Probably a day or two before college will reopen for exams." 

Your heart drops when you listen to him. However, you maintain a calm posture.

Just then, Jungkook's mobile starts to ring. "Oh, finally. My parents are here. I'll be going now. Bye, Y/N." He looks at you, forcing a smile. He wanted to hug you so bad but controlled his emotions. 

He was turning to leave, without a second glance at Sujin but she does something that enrages you.

She jumps and gives Jungkook a tight hug, burying her face into his chest. "I'll miss you!" She mumbles.

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