2. After So Many Years

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As soon as you two step inside the canteen, a deliciously warm aroma surrounds you making your mouth water. "Wow! The food here smells amazing!" You exclaim as you look in the direction of the counter where an old woman is serving the students.

The two of you quickly grab a tray filled with freshly prepared food and sit down among the rest of the crowd in the canteen.

Everyone was busy talking with each other, the sounds of the spoons clinking against the plates and the occasional outburst of laughter from a certain group of students made the atmosphere livelier.

"Is 'everyone' sorted into their rooms with two boys and two girls..?" You finish the last bite and look up at Ryujin curiously. She tilts her head as she replies, "Nope. Why do you ask?"

"Oh! It's just that... Uh, you know, there might be some troublemakers ready to cause a scene, so what if they stir up something?" You reply as you look in a particular direction at a girl, sitting at the far end of the canteen, on top of a table, surrounded by many other girls.

Ryujin looks over in that direction and smiles, "Oh... So that person made you ask this question! Ha-ha. You sure have a sharp eye, just like the vice principal. She knows what type of a person is just by spending like five minutes with him!"

Your mouth is agape as you secretly admire the unbelievably scary sixth sense of the vice principal.

Ryujin continues, "At that girl, you see right there, happens to be one of those students who failed to enter her good books, since she's been causing troubles here and there, nothing 'that' serious, thankfully."

"Wow, so much already happened in like two days?!" You mutter, still surprised.

Ryujin shrugs as she responds while standing up, "Well, welcome to college where nothing happens when you're present, but 'everything' happens when you're absent!"

You snicker at her comment. Looking at her stand up, you ask, "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I have to go to the administration office to handle a few matters. I'll meet you back at the dorm in an hour. Don't get lost!" She chuckles and exits the canteen.

A few moments later after she left, the doors of the canteen open once again, and a small but noisy group of boys enters.

Looking over your shoulder your eyes go wide as you realize who the person is, in the middle of the group, smiling with the rest of the boys and moving towards an empty set of tables.

It feels like as time has stopped and the only person you could see was that person. From such a cute and innocent child, grown into an exceedingly handsome and well-built teenager.

Your childhood memories flood into your mind.

Getting into trouble together, crying together, and laughing together. Sneaking out from the back door and running towards the nearest shop to buy candies from the pennies you both collected after weeks, while making sure none of the grown-ups catch you. Painting on each other faces, having sleepovers at each other's houses, which were adjacent to each other.

Running down the street, trying to escape a chasing dog. Tiptoeing out of your parent's sights when they meet in the shopping mart and then filling up your own basket with everything you want, which afterwards was put back when the grown-ups had done scolding you both.

As your mind recalls those beautiful memories, you smile subconsciously.

Shaking those memories, you run towards him so that you can not only greet but also surprise him by your presence. "Jungkook!!!!" You scream and jump on him, pulling him into a really tight hug.

By the sudden impact, Jungkook is shocked as his body stiffens on the sudden impact.

Breaking the hug, that lasted only a few seconds, you hold him by his arms and take a good look at his face. "Do you remember me?!" You ask excitedly.

"Oh my god, Y/N... Of course, I remember you!" Jungkook smiles the brightest you've seen him since he entered the canteen.

"Phew... By the look at your face a while ago, I had started to assume that you had forgotten me!" You laugh as Jungkook shyly rubs the back of his head.

"Ah, I was too shocked to see you. That's all! For a second I thought that I was dreaming." He responds, offering you a seat beside him and you sit down, along with the rest of the boys.

"Well, you're not the only who felt that way. You have no idea how happy I am about finally reuniting with you!" You smile at him.

Jungkook rolls his eyes with a playful smile as he replies, "Oh, Y/N! You make it sound like I dumped you or something. You know pretty well I had to move with my parents out of town." You smack his arm lightly, "Right."

"Though, I would like to apologize for not contacting you. But, you know, we were still kids and by the time I had access to my own sources of communication, I had totally lost track of you. And I even tried visiting you!"

Hearing that he even came far enough to your house after so long you raise your eyebrows and you were about to open your mouth to say something, but Jungkook continues, with a slightly hurt expression, "But then I found out that you had moved somewhere else. I regretted not coming earlier but I was kind of helpless."

You place your hand on his shoulder, squeezing it in a comforting manner, "Hey... Don't be upset. We all have our reasons. Besides, I'm not even upset or anything!" 

Childhood Crush | Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora