6. Celebrating Victory

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The figure who caught the final ball brushes himself as he gets up from the ground, turning out to be Jungkook!

"Way to go Jungkook!" You jump and cheer at the top of your lungs. He looks in your direction, visibly surprised then smiling shyly before his team rushes up to him, crowding around him and congratulating him.

After celebrating, the teams start making their way towards the stands to get ready to play in offense.

The stands were situated beside where you and Ryujin were standing, slightly away from the crowd. Jimin makes his way towards you both, stomping his feet and pouting. "What happened?" You chuckle at his sour mood.

"I was about to catch that ball and all this glory could have been mine but oh no! He had to jump in and steal my spotlight!" Jimin jumps in frustration. Jungkook appears from behind and mocks him while smiling proudly, "If you want to beat this golden player, you got to work harder than that shorty!"

"Who are you calling short?!" Jimin bursts at him punching him, however Jungkook giggles cheekily, avoiding his furious punches. "Beat it, Jimin-ssi! You won't be able to hit me right now; you better save that strength for batting and prove me if you can really beat me!" Jungkook challenges him and they both disappear into the stands bickering with each other.

"That was interesting." Ryujin chuckles under her breath and you both shift your attention towards the other team who were positioning themselves in the ground.

"Hurry, I have an idea!" You say, grabbing her arm and dashing towards the center of the bleachers. Not knowing what you're up to, she quietly follows you as you drag her through the crowd and squeezing through every small opening.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"Ouch! What was that?!"

"My foot!"

Some of the people cry as you rush past them, ignoring them and don't even slow down your pace. Soon enough, you were now standing right next to the batter's box.

"We'd be able to cheer for Jungkook – and err, Jimin too! From up this close." For once Ryujin doesn't tease you and give you a thumbs up for the idea.

After waiting for a few minutes, a player stands in the batter's box and the game starts.

Finally, it was Jungkook's turn to bat. As soon as he steps in the batter's box, you, along with the crowd goes wild with applause and hooting. He doesn't notice you smiles nervously at the crowd and grips the bat in his hand tightly. Before he got into position for batting, you cease the opportunity and cheer for him.

"I know you can do this, Jungkook!" You scream loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Hearing the familiar voice among the spectators, he gives you a confident nod before focusing his entire attention towards the pitcher.

Ryujin clasps her hands together as she prays loudly, "Oh, Jungkook! Just one homerun and you win this thing!"

Your mouth forms into an 'O' as you realize that the team's victory is resting on his shoulders and cheer with greater enthusiasm along with the audience.

Just then, Jungkook swings his bat behind him and hits the ball with great force. The lovely 'click' of the bat hitting the ball echoes through the crowd and the ball flies away and out of the ground.

He immediately throws his bat and completes a homerun as the team runs towards him, carrying him up on their shoulders. You and Ryujin also scream, jumping on your places and hug each other.

"We won! We won!" You all scream in unison.

The players congratulate each other and the crowd starts to disperse after the nerve-wracking match. You two wait for Jungkook and Jimin so that you could head to the dorm together and celebrate.

Thereafter, when they were free, they spotted you two waiting for them and run over towards you both. "That. Was. Amazing!" Ryujin claps for them.

You hug Jungkook tightly, while giving Jimin a side hug.

You congratulate them once again on their victory.

Jungkook looks down at his shoes as he blushes, thanking you for the support. However, Jimin on the other hand... Is still sour for not being able to get even a bit of the spotlight during today's important baseball match.

You chatter among each other while heading towards the dorm.

The group of four was heading towards their dorms as they chatted among themselves. However, far away, Sujin was standing, staring at the group, or more precisely, at Jungkook. Her fingernails buried into palms as she clenched her hands into tight fists.

"So... She decides to come in my way..." She hisses, gritting her teeth.

One of the three girls behind add fuel to her flames, "Huh. You better show her who's got the upper hand before she gets out of line." Sujin furious expression is replaced by a calm one and she smiles displeasingly. "Oh, I'll make sure of that..."

The four of you enter the dorm. Jimin and Jungkook immediately plop down on the couch, while you and Ryujin head towards the telephone in the kitchen to order something from a restaurant.

Seeing the girls busy in deciding what to order, Jimin turns towards Jungkook. "Dude... When are you going to confess it to her?" 

He asks in hope that he'll reconsider his feelings and tell about it to you. However, Jungkook sighs shaking his head.

"Huh... Jimin I told you before, I'm not ready for any of it. It'll be my biggest regret if I lose her after confessing. We both know we're just best friends and if she doesn't feel the same way as I do, things will definitely become awkward afterwards. I don't want to risk anything. You shouldn't be too greedy. I'm content with what I have."

Jimin thinks for a while before responding, "Just be honest with me. Is this what you 'really' want? Are you actually happy?"

Hearing those sensitive questions, Jungkook falls silent.

Anxious, he bites his lips as he thinks of an answer. "Ugh... I just, need more time to think over about it. I'm not in a hurry anyways." Looking at Jungkook so resolute about his decisions, Jimin gives up.

Soon enough, you and Ryujin walk over, smiling. Looking at you both so happy, Jimin raises his eyebrows. "Hey, what are you both up to?" Ryujin smiles, "Heh. We ordered food! What else could we be so happy about?"

As you wait for the delivery to arrive, all of you sit in the lounge and decide to do some homework before you celebrate. Even though Ryujin protests, she agrees after being told that it won't be serious studying, just passing time.

And thus, the delivery arrives and you all rush towards the door, take two big boxes and start setting up the in the living room for a celebratory dinner.

It was a wonderful dinner. But since it was getting late, you agree on heading to bed early since you'll be having classes first thing in the morning.

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