4. Best Friends...

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"Uh..." Not sure what she actually meant by that look, you look at the empty bowl in front of you and change the topic, "So... You were trying to make popcorns... And, failed?"

Trying to control yourself from laughing, you press your lips together and smile tightly.

Ryujin rolls her eyes, "Hey c'mon. I'm not at all good in the kitchen!"

And so, you show her how to make a bowl of fragrant popcorns. And bring it over to the living room where the guys are busy arguing over a game.

"Popcorns are here!" You announce and seat yourselves beside the duo. They stop their argument and dig in with you.

"I thought there wasn't anything the last time I checked the cupboards?!" Jimin exclaims. "Well, there sure wasn't anything, that's why I decided to go and bring somethings from the canteen, even though I don't know the first thing about cooking."

Ryujin embarrassedly explains the situation. "Ha-ha, don't worry! I'll teach you a few stuff with I know. But keep in mind, I'm not an expert either!" You laugh.

The atmosphere was bubbly as the four of you open up about yourselves with each other and get to know each other well. Soon enough it was time for dinner and the four of you head towards the canteen together, stuff yourselves up with food and go to sleep at the dorm afterwards, ready to start a new day in college the next day.

~In Jungkook's room~

Jungkook was lying in his bed, facing towards the ceiling, his eyes wide open. The events of today circling his head.

When you had left the canteen, the rest of the boys with Jungkook suddenly towards him, bombarding with all sorts of questions.

"Who is she?" "Is she your girlfriend?" "You didn't even tell your buddies you had a girlfriend?" "Come on say something, you seem to have a complicated with that girl!" "Do you really think she's pretty?" "She sure quite pretty though!" "She has an attractive body, should I shoot my shot?"

Hearing the last statement, Jungkook looks up at the person who said it. Glaring at him furiously with his jaw clenched, he frowns, "Keep it in your pants, now would you?"

Seeing Jungkook so angry for the first time, he immediately shuts up and shrinks back into his seat.

One of them, who was the closest to him than the rest, nudges him with his elbow, a playful smile on his lips, "Woah, woah, JK, calm down! We're just joking." Jungkook sighs and he continues, "We would like to know who she is? You're quite protective of her!"

Jungkook bites his lower lip, not sure of what he should say. "Uhm... She's my childhood best friend." Jungkook says the only thing that comes into his mind. One of his friend smiles, "Oh, that's a surprise. You are clearly head over heels for her."

This last sentence is all he can hear right now....

Jungkook changes his position and picks up his phone. Clicks on 'send message' under your contact name. He types 'Hey!' then erases it... 'Hello.' Nope, he erases it again. 'What's up?' Not either. 'You asleep?' Ugh, no...

He gives up and closes his phone, eventually falling asleep.

In the morning, you wake up early for your first class and head down with your roommates towards the canteen, eat breakfast and go to your own classes.

The day passes by pleasantly, nothing special but not boring either. Thankfully, you didn't encounter any troubles. The teachers were all super smart and friendly. You didn't socialize very much with the rest of the class and mostly keep to yourself.

Finally, it was the last class of the day. You were sitting beside the window, with an empty seat by your side. Three seats ahead of you, Sujin was sitting, dressed up meticulously, talking to her best friends. You ignore her mind your own business gazing at the view outside.

Within a few moments the class gasps, particularly the girls gasp lightly. You look over and see Jungkook and Jimin entering the class smiling and talking to each other.

Sujin calls out from her seat, waving her hand beckoning them to come over, "Jungkook-ah! Jimin-ah! Here, I have two seats empty with me."

She then immediately glares at the two girls beside her. They understand and quickly pick up their bags scurrying away.

Jimin looks at Jungkook, as if waiting for his command. However, he ignores her walks over to you. His cold face now warm and welcoming. "May I sit over here?" He asks cutely. You roll your eyes, chuckling. "Of course!" And so, Jungkook sits beside you and Jimin behind Jungkook. Ryujin wasn't present as she had another class.

As he settles down, you glance over him from the corner of your eyes and whisper, "You know it's rude to reject a girl like that?" Jungkook tilts his head, pretending to be confused, "What did I do..?"

You let out a sigh in defeat. "Never mind, you win." Jungkook nods approvingly, "Mhm. I always win!" You giggle at his dialogue. Just then, the teacher enters and the class begins... And eventually ends.

Jimin drags Jungkook with him as soon as the bell rings, peering over at you one last time he apologizes, "I'll be burrowing Jungkook now, we have a really important baseball match. We'll catch up to you later. Bye now, Y/N!" You smile as they exit the class.

You were packing your bag when someone puts their hands on the desk in front of you with a bang. You look up and see Sujin glowering at you. Startled, you politely ask, "May I help you?"

Sujin scoffs, "Yes, I could really use your help. Would you be kind enough and stay out of my way?!" Unaffected, you raise an eyebrow at her, keeping your cool you speak again, "Excuse me..?"

Sujin furiously rolls her eyes, she huffs out a breath of air and crosses her arms over her chest. "Looks like I have to be straightforward with you, since you don't seem to understand me. Jungkook is mine and you better stay away from him. Thanks."

She grins wickedly and walks away, flipping her hair behind her. You rub your forehead in frustration. "Looks like college's off to a great start!"

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