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(Harry's Pov)

'I told you twice already , it's not about the temperature you cook it on , it's the way you flip it.' i explain to him, 'Wait what? what do you mean flip it? You have to flip pancakes ?' Niall asks totally confused . 'What- NIALL YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT?' I yell , how can someone be so dumb ?? 'Uh...no?' he says while eating the bacon that i had to cook because he was scared it would 'pop him' . Gosh he's such a baby . 'Just hurry up and eat , that way you can get out of here.' i tell him . This is the third night he's spent at my place . He got kicked out of his place because his girlfriend found out he was cheating . Maybe next time he won't leave his phone unlocked with a naked girl's picture on it. Well actually... hopefully there won't be a next time. 'So when's your next stunt?' Niall asks with his mouth full with the fresh pancake i made. 'Niall , i told you , it's confidential.' i tell him . 'Yeah yeah , just tell me!!! please !!!' he begs , 'No.' i simply say back. After a few more minutes of begging with his mouth full , he finally left. 'Ugh , he may be my best friend, but he sure is annoying.'

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