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(Louis' Pov)

'Lou get out of bed it's been 10 minutes and we have to go to a meeting!' He yells at me 'Payno I swear to you if you don't leave me alone next time you ask me to "babysit" Winston I might just leave the front door open' I yell back at him with my head under the pillow. I've never been quite the morning person. Especially on days where I had to spend the night at base. These bunk beds are the devils mattresses I tell you! 'Fine Tommo it's your job not mine' Liam says back to me. I chuck my pillow across the room at the back of Liam's head where he's standing at the mirror tying his tie. 'Ay what'd you do that for!?' He turns around and says. I didn't respond I just hopped down from the top bunk and grabbed 2 cups and filled them with coffee handing one to Liam. 'Here lad take this as an apology' I say sarcastically giving it to him. He rolls his eyes as he accepts the cup. It's all laughs between the both of us we never take it personally. 'So what's the deal for today mate?' I ask. 'We've got another assignment' he says not looking at me and still tying his tie. Oo this seems like a "funnnn" one.

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