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(Louis' Pov) 'jeezum next time can you give me a bit of a warning! A text or a call that you are coming over would be nice!' I exclaim. 'Come on Lou I've never needed an invitation before! I just wanted to visit my favorite big brother!' She said to me. 'Daisy I'm your only big brother' I say to her relieved but also questionable. 'Exxxactlyyyy!' She says all cheery. 'Where's Phoebe?' I ask. 'Oh shes in the living room. She fell asleep on the couch because you were taking so long to come home!' She said. 'Daisy you do know I have a thing called a job right!?' As I say that she looks at me and smiles. Man I've missed my sisters. Since I've moved here I haven't been able to visit or see them much. 'We want you to come home and visit for a bit!' She told me with her big pleading eyes. 'You know I can't do that, I have to stay I cant take any days off of my job.' I tell her. She looks down at the floor and gives me a sigh that just gives me the overwhelming feeling of guilt even though I can't help it. 'Im gonna go lay on the couch for a while with phoebe and watch TV until you figure out what we're gonna eat for dinner!' She says implying that they stay the night. 'Yeah dinner I'll get working on that..' I tell her reassuringly. She walks to the living room leaving me alone in the kitchen. I finally pick my gun up from off of the table and put it back in the waistband of my belt. I decided tonight should probably be a pizza night. I wasn't in the mood to order anything but I did have all of the ingredients  that I needed already at the house. I thought I'd be nice to make pizza together with my sisters but I walked into the living room to see a passed out Daisy and Phoebe cuddled in a blanket on my couch. Well, I guess it's just me making pizza tonight. I put on my black apron and get to working. Some time has passed and the pizza is ready to come out of the oven. The girls are now awake and sitting at the table conversing over something that happened at their high-school and I genuinely can't keep track of all of the stuff going on there! It's chaotic I tell you! 'Pheebs how many slices?' 'Two please' she responds, 'Daisy?' 'Two as well' Daisy says. 'Brilliant coming right up.' I tell them spinning around in the kitchen to cut the pizza. And right as I go to grab the pizza roller my phone rings. I picked it up and sure enough it's Liam... again... I pick up and answer. 'Hey mate I just wanted to let you know that we are going to have to leave tomorrow to go to Manchester. That's where the assignment will be taking place. You know I can't tell you anything else over the phone but I'll inform you tomorrow.' Liam tells me. 'Thats great lad I'll be packed and ready.' And then it hit me. 'Liam my family lives in Manchester' I say. 'Yeah is that going to be a big deal?' 'No lad we can stay with them! My sisters!' I respond. 'Lou that is beyond dangerous we cannot put your sisters in that sort of position.' Liam says matter a factly. 'Liam there's literally no danger here. It's just a place to stay while we are working.' I say. 'Fine mate if you think that this is a good idea then let's go ahead. But this is your decision. And as you already know, no information of any sort can be shared with your sisters about the case.' He says. 'Yes I know. Thanks see you in the morning.' I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket. I turn around with my hands up in a surprise way and a big grin on my face. 'Guess what girls!' I say. 'What!?' They both ask confused and curious. They just want pizza! 'Liam and I are going to be staying in Manchester with you guys for a while!' I say still smiling. 'Ahh!' Phoebe says with a squeal of excitement. Daisy then says 'Yay! This is so lovely! I'm calling Lottie!'

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