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(Harrys pov)

'This suit is so uncomfortable' i think to myself , you'd think since i'm a literal hitman , i wouldn't have to wear suits. But that's not how it works. I'm currently walking down to the abandoned house on Cherry street . That's where we hold our meetings , why? I'm not sure , it's not the smartest place to hold top secret meetings but hey , i don't have a say in it. It would be so much easier if i could drive here . Niall crashed my car after he went out drinking and driving the night his girlfriend found out about the whole situation. 'Hey stranger!' i hear a small girls voice , 'Uh...hi?' I say back while looking down at her , she looks to be about 8 years old . 'Can you help me?' she asks , 'Uh with??' i ask back , ' I cant reach the monkey bars!' she says while pointing to the playground. 'Uh listen kid , i'm really busy , i don't have time. Sorry-' i'm suddenly cut off , 'SARAH!' i hear a deep voice yell , 'WHY DID YOU RUN OFF?' i'm assuming this was her dad , he looked to be 40ish , considering his suit , his briefcase , and his stressed facial expression , i'd assume he is a lawyer. 'And you! why are you talking to a young girl!' He yells , 'Sir. She came up to me.' I say with a stern voice. I wouldn't consider myself a scary person , but others say i'm extremely intimidating. I mean i guess it could be the long hair ? But i'm still not sure . 'She is only 8 years old. Dont be a creep.' He says , I knew it ,She is 8. It's all about body language.'

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