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(Harrys pov)

On the walk home I began thinking . It's only 11am , I still have the entire day until i have to leave for Doncaster. You know what makes it fun? The hunt. The kill. The adrenaline. It's the best part of the job. People may compare me to a psychopath or a sociopath. That's one thing i'm proud of. Suddenly my phone rings and it's Niall. One thing i forgot to mention about Niall , He's part of my service too. But he isn't a hitman like me , he sets up the dates and/or stalks the victims. I like to call him a receptionist , but he hates it. He says 'I don't take calls. I stalk people.' Its a weird thing to say , but it's basically the truth. I'm not allowed to tell him about the assignments that i have , unless we're assigned to work together. Which is hardly ever. I finally decided to answer , 'Hey , Whats up Niall?' i ask in a calm yet kind of annoyed voice. 'HARRY , LAD , ITS A MIRACLE!' He screams , well i cant hear out of my left ear now. 'Woah okay , can you stop yelling Niall.' I say to him , 'What is it? What is this so called miracle?' I ask , 'I just got out of a meeting , and well- i cant say it over the phone! Just come over to my place right away !' He says still kind of yelling . 'Alright alright , i'm on my way.' I tell him , which letting him say goodbye i hang up. That's a really bad habit i've gotten. I've already knocked twice , but still no answer. 'Niall!' i yell again. I'm not sure why i'm even trying , i'm sure he can't hear me because of the blasting music coming from inside his apartment. I ended up breaking down his door , not for the first time. 'Niall- oh my god-' I yell while shutting my eyes quickly. He was dancing...naked....in his kitchen. 'Niall for gods sake , put some clothes on!' I yell, 'Oh hey lad!' He says while running to turn off the music. 'Sorry didn't hear you come in.' He says after finally turning it off. 'Just please put some clothes on.' I say with my hands still over my eyes. 'Oh sure thing!' He says , a few moments pass and i hear him come back in. 'Alright! all clear' He says , when I uncover my eyes he's standing there fully clothed with a huge grin on his face. 'Jesus Niall you're so stupid  , anyways what did you need to tell me?' I ask . 'Oh right! I went to a meeting around 9am , it was with Micheal. He told me that I was going to be needed in a very dangerous assignment. He explained to me that...' He stopped , 'Oh my god Niall , Spit it out!' i say annoyed. He will do anything to get me upset. 'Okay okay , calm your horses Harold , I'm assigned to you. Wait that sounds like your babysitting me..well like i mean like...i'll be with you....wait that sounds like we're dating....' he confuses himself , 'Are you trying to say we're gonna be partners?' I ask pinching my nose bridge with my index finger and thumb. 'Yeah! that's what i meant!!' He yells excitingly. Great. Just great.'

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