chapter 4

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* song for this chapter at top\ side*

I sat on the couch beside the alpha while we  watched the fire flicker in the fireplace in the livingroom of the pack house. There was a storm and many of the pack members had gone home or were asleep in their rooms. " why do you think the rogues killed my pack and my parents." I stared intently at the fire; it was calming but if you touched it you knew it would burn you ." Rogues are complicated; they all have their own reasons for being the way they are . You can't judge them though because many have lost everything." Being 13 I knew what he meant when he said lose everything " I don't judge them, I just don't understand why it happened to me" I glanced at the alpha who returned it " This world is confusing , but everything happens for a reason whether it's good or bad".

The alpha had always been close to my heart after he saved me but this was a night that I got some kind of closure although it didn't do much for me. I didn't know that I would come to a breaking point just days later and become mute until I reached the age of 15. This was a night I held onto, it is the closest I have ever gotten to letting my parents go.

* flashback over*

I looked at the alphas sleeping face beside me, peaceful and worry free. We had stayed up most of the night talking and he had urged me to stay in his room , so here I am laying in his bed as I try to find sleep. I remember when I was younger I used to come in here when I got scared or when I didn't want to be alone, but it seems different now. It feels like it holds a different meaning now , but that's because it does. Mates are different from fathers,mothers, brothers, ect. Looking at the alpha now , as my mate, it seems .
...... better. His dark hair, his hazel eyes, his chiseled face, his muscular body, I had never noticed how attractive he is. As I looked at him now it seems as if he has changed completely; like he is a stranger that I want to know.

He stirred in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips slightly opened. His hair was messy but still managed to look amazing. He looked as if he was a male model or some kind of prince. I heard him mumble words but I couldn't make any of them out. I wondered what he dreamed about, what went on inside his head. I used to watch him when I was younger; we would sit in his office and as he did his paper work I would watch and I would always see his face contort into a new one, one of concentration. He would chew on his pen and his eyebrows would furrow, he would squint his eyes and later I would ask him why he did it and he would laugh about it and tell me he didn't know. It was the tiny things that I remembered and it made me realize just how much I knew about this one person without trying. I knew my mate, without trying.

I don't know how long I had laid here but as I looked at the clock I came to the conclusion that it was 5:00am and I hadn't even shut my eyes yet. I doubted I would've slept anyway; my mind is too haywire right now anyway. I turned and looked at my mate, the alpha, he was still sleeping peacefully. I sighed and slowly sat up being cautious not to make any noise that would wake him up. I made my way off the bed and right as I was about to be completely off the bed I felt a hand on my wrist ; I looked back to see the alpha looking at me with drowsy eyes " where are you going layla?" I smiled softly at the sight of his hazel eyes and the sound of his morning voice " I was going to go back to my room and let you sleep some more." His eyebrows furrowed as he examined me " didn't you sleep at all Layla?," I shook my head " its ok , my head is too busy right now for me to sleep right now anyway". He shook his head and tugged on my arm gently " come back to bed Layla, you need to rest". I looked at his face, his almost pleading eyes and let him win me over and softly said," okay." I slowly slipped back into the bed and he immediantly pulled me close to him. It wasn't new to sleep close to him, I had done it all my life ;in different circumstances though. His intoxicating scent surrounded me and calmed my busy mind. I nestled closer to him as I slowly lost consciousness and slipped into the sleep I had waited all night for," sleep my little mate, I will see you when you wake up." And with that I was out like a light and falling into the peaceful darkness you call sleep.

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