chapter 8:

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*flashback *
I watched as she laid beside me looking up at the sky. Her eyes sparkled and her hair glowed, her skin was porcelain and her lips full. At fifteen she was even more beautiful than before. She stopped talking years ago, I missed her laughter and her voice. I missed her light singing I used to hear coming from her room. I missed how she used to run to me when she had nightmares and how she used to hug me tight like nothing mattered but me. Now she was a shell of who she used to be. Right before my eyes she had become something I never wanted her to be, alone, depressed, full of regret and grief. I'm her mate, I want to help her, I need to help her. My head turned to look at Layla as I felt her curl up in a ball at my side. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead " layla please speak to me, please," my voice sounded so desperate and broken but at this point I was. 2 years, never speaking, I NEEDED to hear her voice, her laughter, her singing, I needed it. She looked at me in sadness but I could see the internal struggle through her face. There was a battle happening inside that she felt she wasn't winning. " Layla please," I gave another plea hoping somewhere in her heart she knew that I needed this. That she wasn't alone and that it was time to speak. I saw a tear drip down her cheek and I heard her voice " im sorry." My layla, my mate

*end of flashback*

I look down at Layla who is asleep beside me in my bed. Her eyes closed, her hair splayed around her, her lips slightly parted letting out soft breaths. She is still beautiful, she always was and always will be. I softly ran my hand through her silky hair examining her. I slowly leant down and kissed her forehead with a lingering kiss " My Layla, my mate, my luna."

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