chapter 2:

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* alpha at the top\side*

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling, I felt like I was in solitude really. Today was my birthday and that meant a party i didn't want but the alpha had insisted. There's also that chance I will meet my mate and I know I would probably be dreading a rejection by the end of the day. The one thing though that really got my head spinning was what the alpha said yesterday when I was half asleep, he said that today I would find out why we found comfort in eachother, what's he hinting at exactly? I sighed as I heard a knock on the door and I just stared at it for a moment willing whoever it is to go away but once again there was a knock and I heard the alphas voice come through the door " open up layla I know your in there" I got up slowly and walked to the door and I wrapped my fingers around the door knob and twisted it opening the door that seperated me and the alpha. I opened it to see him leaning on the wall with his head on the door frame and he saw me and a frown etched it's way onto his face " why aren't you ready layla? The party starts soon" I shook my head " I don't think I want to go alpha" I sighed and walked across the room and sat on my bed silently. I heard the door close and the alphas footsteps come close to me and the bed dipped beside me " why don't you want to go layla?" I looked up at his face " my parents aren't here, it just....doesn't feel right. I've lived my whole life with people who love me but they didn't even get to live half of their own lives, how CAN that be right?" He sighed running a hand through his hair " layla you have to learn that they died protecting you, the purpose in their sacrifice was so you could live a happy life and by living it in sorrow and giving up every good thing that comes your way your making their sacrifice in vain. You need to learn that they wanted you to be happy." Tears built in my eyes and I looked down at my hands in my lap which were held together tightly to the point my nails were digging into them " well im not happy, they shouldn't have given up their lives because I don't want to grow up knowing that living life is something I get to do but they dont" I felt a finger under my chin making me look up at the alpha who looked at my every feature and looked at me in a hard manner " I never want to hear you say you wish you would have died, you deserve to live and they gave up their lives so you could live so you need to live your life to the fullest do you understand?" I swallowed looking into his eyes that were set on me and I nodded before getting off the bed. I felt anger but not at him, at myself. I opened my closet door and silently picked out a knee length flowy dress . It's sky blue and it matches my eyes, the top is and sweetheart neckline and I thought it was beautiful. I got some silver sandles and I walked into my bathroom and got dressed. I let my hair fall in waves over my shoulders with my side bangs looking nice. I put on mascara and some nude lipgloss. I put on a silver bracelet and a locket that the alpha had given me as a child. I walked out of the bathroom to find him still sitting on my bed, he looked up and when he saw me a small smile found its way onto his face . He stood up and walked over to me taking my hands in his and looking me in the eyes " you look beautiful layla" I looked up into his eyes and I gave him a small smile in return saying nothing. He let go of one of my hands leaving one hand still in one of his before leading me out the door and into the hallway. I heard music from downstairs, it was something by pitbull and I knew jayeln did it. Yeah jayeln is a 12 yearold girl obsessed with pop music that would most likely be played in clubs, of course she was put in charge of the music selection. I laughed and I saw the alpha in the corner of my eye staring at me and smiling. I turned my head and looked at him " of course you let jayeln do the music" he chuckled " wasn't my desicion but I can't say I won't regret letting it happen" I made a ' u hmmm' sound and we continued walking to the party. We entered the room that was full of dancing pack members and a crazy looking jayeln who was all over the place dancing to the music , flinging her arms, kicking her legs, screaming words, oh god. I looked up at the alpha " yeah your defiantly going to regret that" he nodded " yeah I had a feeling I would" I shook my head " wish me luck" he smiled at me " you don't need it ,but good luck" I nodded and made my way into the crowd of pack members. I didn't have anyone to talk to really but the older pack members came and wished me happy birthday. I would find my mate at exactly 3:18pm, I had over 5 hours until then so I get to just sit around and let myself turn into a nervous wreck. I started sipping the punch I had gotten and then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see one of my old friends, Kenzie. She smiled at me " happy birthday Layla" I smiled back " thank you" and then we said nothing more. I missed Kenzie, she used to be one of my best friends and she stuck around even when my hard times got harder and I was mute. She sighed " I miss you Layla and I know you are having a hard time but can you just let me help you? I miss you being my friend." I looked at her silently, it had been so long since I had confided in someone besides the alpha, I needed someone else to, I needed Kenzie to be my friend. I nodded silently and a bright smile took over her face making her look like a goddess. She squealed and hugged me " we are going to have so much fun and your finding your mate today!" I couldn't help but want to crawl into a corner. I knew that when the time came I would find my mate today and I felt nervous. I have no idea what to expect, this is a life changing day whether it's good or bad. I am almost completely sure I will be rejected by the end of the day and with that thought in my head it made it harder for me to focus on being happy and celebrating my birthday. I was snapped out of my thoughts as Kenzie grabbed my hand and dragged me through the dancing bodies " your going to stop thinking and start living, this is your birthday and that means you have to party just like everyone else" Jayeln picked the perfect time to put on the song " somebody by Jeremiah and Natalie La Rose" and for the next five hours I was forced to have fun but after the first 3 hours I had discovered the fun I was having wasn't forced, I was enjoying myself for the first time in a long time.

* 5 minutes before 3:18pm*

I felt jittery and uncomfortable , I felt like I was going to be sick. Kenzie was beside me trying to calm me down but I was scared out of my mind. I hadn't seen the alpha all day and he had always been there to calm me down so where was he now? " Layla it's gonna be ok just calm down. This is supposed to be your happy moment so don't ruin it by over thinking it ." I took a deep breath and looked at the clock it was almost time, I had been freaking out so much that I hadn't noticed my 5 minutes had turned into 1 minute. I stared at the clock intently it was like time froze as the clock turned to 3:18pm. I stood there for a couple seconds before a intoxicating smell entered my nose, it was a woodsy smell mixed with one of spice. My wolf began to urge me to follow the scent and I slowly did , it led me through the crowd of pack members, down the hall, and out the front door. The scent hit me hard as I looked right infront of me and saw the alpha standing there . It all clicked right then. I had always been so close and attached to him, he had known why, it was because he was my mate. I stared at him and he stared back, he smiled " hello mate" I was awed and I was scared, the alpha is my mate.

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