chapter 1:

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* layla now at 17-18, at the top\side

I walked the hallways silently as I heard my pack members running all over, I didn't know why we were having a celebration for my birthday, honestly it's not something I enjoy. That's the thing with me I don't like to focus on myself but on others, and my birthday just reminds me of my past. I remember everything about my life before I came to this pack, it seems that it stood out more in my mind after I came here. My parents were nice, I had a brother, and my pack was loving and strong but couldn't fight off the rogues. Then I ran to the woods as instructed and somehow made it and when the Alpha found me I was brought here. For some reason he and I were always close , he was always there when I needed someone. Out of all the pack members he is the one I trusted and cared for the most , guess my five yearold self got attached and didn't want to let go. I remember as I got somewhat older he took me to a meeting he had with an alpha once, let's just say it was amusing and it showed I had sass.

* flashback*
I walked beside the alpha looking around the halls and I looked back up at him as he held my tiny hand in his big one " why is the house so big alpha?" He smiled down at me " its for the packs convenience " I tapped my little finger on my chin " what does convenience mean?" He chuckled " it means it makes it easier " I smile brightly like I won a trophy "oh, that makes sense" once again he chuckled shaking his head at my 8 yearold self who didn't know what that word had meant. We arrived at a pair of wooden double doors and he looked down at me " you ready to see another alpha?" I nodded eagerly " I wanna see what your job is!" He smiled " ok but you have to be quiet and let me do my job alright?" I nodded and I put my arms in the air signaling for him to pick me up and he did so. I put my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. He walked in with my tiny form in his arms and the people seated looked up and smiled as they saw me and I smiled back and waved my tiny hand. They chuckled and waved back, the alpha was smiling down at me and I smiled back. I saw a stranger sitting at the other end of the table, he was looking at us with a mean smile. The alpha took the big chair at the other end of the table alpha sat me on his lap, I made alpha plop sound with my mouth as I sat on his lap and he chuckled and whispered in my ear " ok layla you need to be quiet now ok?" I nodded my head in understanding and closed my mouth and leaned back into his chest and looked around the room. I looked up at the ceiling and saw a big crystal thingy , it was really pretty. I could see our tiny reflections in it and I tilted my head to the side and looked at it more intently. I suddenly heard a whisper in my ear " can you go get me some paper and a pencil layla? It's on the desk over there" he pointed to a desk across the room and I nodded before scurrying off his lap and running across the room to the table and getting 10 sheets of paper, 5 for me and 5 for him, and a pencil and some crayons. I ran back over and laid the stuff on the table smiling that I did what the alpha asked me. He smiled and picked me up putting me back in his lap before he got his paper and pencil and began writing something. I grabbed my paper and crayons and began drawing the crystal thingy hanging from the ceiling. I used the white crayon and colored the little crystals and made them sparkly. I swung my little legs under the table and I looked up to see the stranger laughing a harsh laugh that scared me. He made a mean smile at us " what so your little kid of a mate is going to make a differnce? Going to color me to death? I don't think so. This is a negotiation not a playroom , get her out of here" when I heard that I narrowed my eyes and growled at him. Everyone's eyes snapped to me , even the meanie and the alpha. I stood up in his lap and climbed onto the table and grabbed a crayon before walking down the table towards him. I heard the Alpha saying my name quietly and the other pack members telling me it was ok and to just sit back down but this man is being a meanie and he needs to be nice to the alpha. I stopped right in front of him and looked him straight in the eyes and leaned into his face closely narrowing my eyes at him. And I stuck my tiny finger to his chest " your a meanie and this is our house, you need to be nice to the alpha and I may not be a old man like you but I came to see what my alpha does so shut your big floundering mouth you dirty fish!" I stomped my tiny foot and threw the crayon at his face and stomped to the other side of the table and jumped back into the alphas lap and I crossed my arms glaring at the man who had a look of shock. I then heard the table break out in laughter and I looked up at the alpha to see him chuckling and he smiled down at me " thank you layla, that was very nice of you to do that for me" I smiled and nodded before pouting " do you always have to talk to meanies?" And he broke out into laughter as everyone else did to. He nodded " yes layla , I talk to lots of meanies but I have to do it for the pack" my alpha is nice and kind , I climbed onto my knees on his lap so I was level or close to level with him. I looked into his eyes and smiled " your not a meanie, your self...s-self.. selfless" I just learned that word and I had never used it but the definition is what my alpha is. A smile slowly took over his face " thank you layla, and your not a meanie either. Your selfless and kind, cute and funny, smart and friendly, and now a little sassy." He chuckled at the last part, his laugh makes me smile. I gave him at tiny kiss on his cheek and he looked down at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes and it's a day I always remembered.
* end of flashback*

As I grew older I still went to meetings sometimes and we stayed close, he visited me everyday and helped with homework and things, we talked about our days and everyday I saw him felt special to me. Even though he always visited me I still felt lonely and I stopped talking to people as much and became a shell of what I used to be. What happened to my parents and my pack started to haunt me in reoccurring nightmares that just got more vivid as time went on and I found myself grieving their loss and wishing I had them with me. The alpha noticed and became concerned as well as everyone else, I always said I was fine and eventually I became mute, that was for several years before I came to the conclusion that not speaking would not help me get anywhere in life and my parents would want me happy . Even after that I still was a shell of my childhood self, I am still close to the alpha, just not in ways I used to be . He tries and he keeps coming , I still talk to him, not as much though. I don't really have any friends anymore either, they always tried to stay with me and help but once I got worse they knew that I needed to work it out alone and there wasn't anything they could do for me that they hadn't already done. The alpha eventually started sending me for therapy with the packs therapist and that didn't help either, I became mute from the beginning to the end of the session and that was reported back to the alpha constantly. He still tried though and here I am now, I'm ok and I still don't talk much, I still have nightmares and find myself grieving but I'm ok. Tomorrow at my birthday I find my mate and I know I will be rejected , no one can love a loner, a girl who doesn't speak half the time. I'm not what I used to be and I'm ok with being alone, I've gotten used to the feeling. And here I am now sitting in a meeting in a chair beside the alpha as he talks business and i sit silently listening. They were discussing a rogue problem and there was an obvious answer, they keep saying it's on the west boarder they keep getting in on. They need to find some good warriors and put them there but keep other warriors close by but have them guarding their own side of the territory. They need to keep it all patrolled, it's obvious their pack hasn't been paying attention to that side of the boarder just because rogues never come in on that side , their problem is their own stupidity. I heard someone say my name and I looked up taken out of my thoughts by the alpha who stared at me with concern " hmm?" He sighed " we were asking what you think they should do about the rogue problem?" I sighed and turned to the other alpha " put some good warriors on the west boarder and keep others near by but not to close that their part of the boarder is not being patrolled. Even if the rogues don't usually come in that side of your territory you need to be prepared because one mistake could screw you all over. That is my solution" the alpha thought it over and nodded, and I was back to my own little place. I zoned out and the next time I was dragged out of my thoughts was when a hand touched my shoulder and I looked up and saw the room empty and the alpha behind me, his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me with sorrow in his expression " the therapist said you weren't talking again" I looked down at my lap " I don't want to speak with others about my problems, you know that" he sighed and took his hand off my shoulder running them through his hair before he sat down beside me and looked over my features " layla what happened, you were such a happy child but you just fell into a pit of darkness that no one can pull you out of, what made you this way?" I shook my head " Alpha you know I don't want to talk about my problems" he growled and ran his hands over his face roughly " layla I don't care what you want, I care about what you need! You NEED to talk to someone! You NEED to let it out! Your not going to get better until you do and i have known you practically your entire life layla we are close and you can trust me! Why can't you let me in!?!" I pushed my chair back roughly and screamed at him , it all came out" YOU MAY HAVE BEEN THERE WHEN I CAME HERE BUT NOT BEFORE! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE YOUR ENTIRE PACKS DEATH ON REWIND IN YOUR MIND EVERY NIGHT ONLY GETTING MORE VIVID AND VIVID IN THE DETAILS YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO NOT BE ABLE TO LET IT OUT BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT EVERYONE'S GOING TO PITTY YOU AND GIVE YOU FALSE HOPES! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE IT ALL AND BE GRIEVING IT ALL TO LATE!!! NO ONE KNOWS!!!" He sat there in shock and then I just began cry in fustration , I ran my hands through my hair pacing and as I let it all overwhelm me. " you got what you wanted now ok, you know it all!" Next thing I know I'm engulfed in the alphas muscular arms as he rocked me and held me tight as he sighed into my hair " its the first step to getting better, I just want you to get better layla, so badly. Watching you not talking and sad all the time crushes me, not knowing what made it happen made it all the worse." I said nothing but nodded against his chest as I found comfort in his scent and his arms, just like when I was young, that never changed. My eyes were drooping with exhaustion and I heard the Alpha sigh and kiss my forehead before picking me up bridal style " this has never changed, the comfort we find in eachother. And tomorrow you will see why" I didn't answer as I was too far gone to do so and I don't know weither i should've heard that or not but I did and I didn't mind.

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