A/N copyright infringement!

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I'm really ticked off, I enjoy writing my stories for fun and for my readers but it's times like these that I seriously doubt myself and why I write on Wattpad. A girl named Lovelacy32 copied my prolouge word for word using the same main character as me with the same name only making her version of Layla two years younger and changing the names of other characters. I'm angry,sad, and so many other emotions all at once, its never ok to do that to someone especially a writer who puts all their work and passion into writing their content. Its rude and its not acceptable, I'm sorry, I just wanted to rant,but I want this to be the last time I have to do this. If you copy my story I will report you just like I did this person, this is my book, this is my work, and I won't hesitate to take action against anyone who does this. Finally, thank you all my loyal readers who have continued to read, I will update again soon, have a nice day/night and remember to respect others and their writing.

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