chapter 10:

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Screaming, yelling, pain, rogues. That's what I saw surrounding me. I was looking out on the field at it all as it played out. I watched at my pack was slaughtered , not given a chance to fight for their lives. I felt a terrible feeling settle in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't move, I couldn't stop them. I began to scream and writhe, I want out.

I flew up in the bed with a scream of both shock and agony. Nathan shot up beside me and took ahold of me as soon as he saw me sitting up in bed beside him frozen. He pulls me to his chest and rocks me, the dreams crush me everytime. I can't change anything, I'm forced to watch as everyone is killed by rogues. The sad thing is that it isn't just a dream, it had already come true. " shhhh, Layla it's ok. Your ok now." I hadn't realized that tears were now dripping down my cheeks until he started wiping them. It seems nothing is ever truly forgotten, but that isn't a surprise to me because I already knew that.

The zombie look isn't something I can work with. All day I have been walking around tired and half asleep but after my nightmare I couldn't get back to sleep. Nathan is worried but I'm not, this is the norm for me. That's exactly why I'm in the therapists office right now though. Nathan wanted me to have another appointment after the occurrences last night. I watched as the pack therapist sat on the other couch across from me and scribbled down words. I don't know what he was writing but he seemed into it. I sat silently, as usual.

The therapist finally decided to speak up " so the Alpha has told me of your nightmare last night, how do you feel right now?" I said nothing for several seconds " I feel tired and stressed." He nodded jotting it down, does he need to write everything I say down? He finished his scribbling of words before talking again " what happened in this dream of yours?" Im pretty sure he already knew " same thing as always, the rogue attack that killed my pack. I couldn't move or help, I felt helpless." He nodded and jotted more things down
" I think these dreams are from underlying trauma and stress. I don't think you understand the degree in which this is imbedded in you. You felt helpless when the event happened right? You were just a child who had no way to help the others in your pack." I nodded, I refrained from saying anything at the moment because I am exhausted and I need answers. I can't deal with the lack of sleep every night because of the dreams I'm having.

We continued to talk about the dreams and my situation, it's the first time in a long time I actually spoke to the therapist at all and said anything. We were in at deep conversation when a knock came at the door and Nathan stuck his head in. He smiled softly when he saw me and slowly and quietly came in closing the door behind him and sitting beside me on the couch. "Sorry for my absence, what are we talking about?" The therapist smiled " actually we were just about done, Layla has made some progress and we had a long chat. I think if she tries doing something that will take her mind away from things then she will be ok. Maybe yoga, runs, listening to music, there are endless options. Whatever Layla wants to do." Nathan smiled " of course." He looked over at me and I gave a small smile back. Maybe this will get rid of the nightmares.

I looked at the guitar infront of me and then back at Nathan " I haven't played this since I was ten, I don't even think I remember how to play." He places a quick kiss on my temple " just try it, who knows, it could be your outlet like the therapist suggested." I sighed and nodded as I pulled it up under my arm and got it in position and began to strum the chords. It felt like old times when we would lay on my bed and he would teach me which chords to play. I remember how bad I was, I sounded like a train wreck. I almost laugh at the memory, I was something. He smiles at me " there you go, keep going, how do you feel?" I looked over at him " I feel good, like it's old times again. We would play the guitar and sing little songs of our own creation." He smiled at the memory and nodded " Layla, your on your way to a bright recovery."

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