chapter 5

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* the song is a thousand years by Christina perri*

Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
And I will love you for a thousand more

As I listened to the song I felt at ease, the instruments playing delicately in the background made me feel as if I was in another world. I laid in my bed with my eyes closed and my body relaxed. I heard nothing from the outside world, it helped to be able to escape. I was aloud to be alone for awhile without having any interruptions since the Alpha was in a meeting and Kenzie was spending time with her parents. I have noticed how I still call my mate the Alpha but not by his name, I mean I know it but I don't use it. It seems the time has come that I'm going to have to abandon the title and go for his actual name. He had asked me the other day why I didn't use it but Alpha is what I had always called him so it came naturally.

* flashback*
My tiny five yearold self was curled up on the alphas lap as he did paper work. It was about a month or two after he had found me and when I was alone I had bad dreams or I got scared so I always came to the alpha. I called him alpha even though he told me his real name but the title of an alpha means you are respected, caring, honest, loyal, and you did everything for your pack, and he did exactly that. He reminded me of my daddy because he always protected me from the monsters. My dream was hitting it's climax in which I was eaten whenever he woke me. I looked up at the alpha with my big blue eyes full of terror and whimpered. He put his paperwork to the side and pulled me close to his chest. I wrapped my tiny arms around his neck and my head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck. I felt him stroking my hair " shhhhh layla, it's ok, it's only a bad dream."

He rocked me back and forth as my eyes slowly closed as I held onto him and I felt him kiss my forehead and hold me closer " I'll never let anyone hurt you layla, now let's go beddy bye," I felt him stand up and walk out of the room with me in his arms, but I barely registered it as I was falling asleep. Soon I felt myself being laid down on a soft surface and I felt something warm being pulled over me and myself being tucked in. The last thing I felt was a kiss on my forehead .

* end of flashback*

I had truly started to trust him the second he had found me, he was cautious and gentle. I was terrified and I felt betrayed by the world. I didn't understand why it had happened to me, but I had also just thought my pack and my family were asleep and didn't like me anymore so they wouldn't wake up and talk to me. For a five yearold I would say I handled it pretty well aside from the screaming and crying of course.

* flashback*

" mommy!!" Why won't my mommy wake up! What is that red stuff coming from her stomach? My daddy had the same thing coming from his mouth and my brother had scratches all over. I looked around the field to see everyone looked that way " HELLO!?!" Tears began to stream down my face " why won't you wake up? I'm sorry I ran my barbie car into the pack house! I'm sorry just wake up and talk to me! I'm scared!"  My sobs echoed through the field " please mommy, I won't ever disobey you again, I'll clean up my toys." I ran my hands over her face trying to wake her up but nothing happened, I was losing hope they would ever open their eyes and look at me again. I stood up and looked around, I felt scared and sick. I suddenly heard howls coming from the distance and started whimpering they were coming back for me.

They're going to hurt me and then I will never see if my family opens their eyes, they all have to open their eyes! I ran across the field on my tiny legs and my little white dress covered in dirt and the red stuff, my ribbons had come out of my hair and I looked messy, this was my favorite dress, it made me look like a princess. Mommy had told me to keep it clean and I disobeyed her, she was going to be mad at me. The howls got closer and I saw wolf's coming through the trees, I whimpered and ran over to the nearest tree and hid behind it. The wolf's turned into a lot of men who looked strong like my daddy, maybe they could help me wake them up. They looked around at the field with sadness, did they know my pack to? I heard two of the men exchange glances and sniffed the air and their eyes snapped to my direction. I cowered back, they might not want to help me, what if they are like the others? I want to go home with my mommy and my daddy and my brother. I want to watch cartoons and play with my barbies, what did I do to get in this big of trouble? I saw the biggest of the men come closer to my tree slowly and cautiously and I let my one eye peak out from behind the tree and the man's eyes softened when he saw me. He slowly got closer but I whimpered and stepped back behind the tree until I heard him coo at me " im here to help you, can you please come out?"
His voice is comforting like daddy's , he says he can help me, maybe he can make my parents wake up.

I slowly slipped out from behind the tree and he sucked in a breath and his eyes turned dark and he whispered a word but I couldn't hear it. He smelled good, he smelled like the men in my pack, they were all nice. His eyes turned back to normal and he smiled at me softly " what's your name little one?" I looked up at him " Im Layla ." His smile remained as he said my name " well Layla I'm Nathan, you can call me that if you like or you can call me alpha." He was an alpha? I thought there was only one alpha, what about my alpha? I heard a crunch in my ears and I whimpered and ran over to Alpha and held onto his legs " he looked down at me with a soft expression " it was only a bunny my dear Layla, would you like me to carry you so I can protect you?" I looked up at him and nodded without hesitating, I was scared, Alpha would help me. He slowly bent down and I raised my arms, he pulled me up into his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly made his way back to the other men who looked at us in curiosity and I heard them speaking but I was looking out at my pack, they didn't wake up " they aren't going to wake up are they? They don't like me. They want me to be alone and the big wolves made them go to sleep," the men's eyes snapped to me as tears slipped down my face and the Alpha looked as if he wanted to cry also " your parents loved you very much, the wolves took them away from you but it's going to be ok. They're always going to be around whether you see them or not ok?" I nodded my head and he sighed and pulled my head close and stroked my hair. The men watched in fascination but also in pity and in sadness. They got back into their groups and the field slowly got farther and farther away as we walked in the opposite direction, I raised my hand and waved my hand  and whispered " bye bye."
* end of flashback*

" Nathan," that sounded weird coming out of my mouth, good in a way but also unfamiliar and akward, I had a lot of learning to do.


I thought everyone deserved to know the alphas real name which is Nathan, and I felt that you should be able to relive the memories and see what it was like and how it all started so this was practically a memory lane kind of chapter. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed, see you next chapter

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