Chapter 11

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Harry used the eyes and ears to sneak in to the chamber, he closed the sinks as he went down and made his way to the study. He pulled down the books on Dumbledore and shrank them down, he also pulled down Nott, Fudge and Parkinson so he could review and update. Harry grabbed a couple more timeturners as they may come in handy, he picked up some of Paws research books and the maps of different parts of the country for Swift before heading out. He had started his own search for the Hufflepuff heir, but everything was well and truly dry so he had turned his attention to the next article. Harry had a plan, he just had to go and see Rita and get her to see it his way; no doubt she would. He cast a quick tempus and headed to Tom's office, they had things to discuss about the wizengamot and the spies they had found within his ranks. Harry knocked and poked his head in, the man was reading something and looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"You busy?"

"Extremely," was the dry reply, Harry rolled his eyes and walked in, the wards flared up before he had sat down and Tom put his book to the side.

"I thought it would be prudent to inform you of what we've been up to." Harry told him, "We've found 4 spies within your ranks which was the first thing." He handed over the names and Tom nodded.

"They will be dealt with discretely." He said and Harry nodded.

"Paws is researching what Dumbledore cast on Bellatrix, but has yet to find anything of importance. Luna and Bleach have made a breakthrough with the Gryffindor rooms and the twins are watching everything to do with the order."

"And yourself?"

"Looking for the Hufflepuff heir but coming up completely blank on all leads at the moment. I'm working on the next article for the old fool now, I shall meet with Rita in the week and if everything goes to plan it will be a 4-part special." There was nothing nice about Harry's smile.

"I almost feel for the old fool." Harry smirked.

"It brings another meaning to skeletons in the closet let me tell you. And I'm also going over everything we have on Fudge for when the time comes."

"As yes, the wizengamot," Tom remembered, "Lucius gave in his report. Fudge did not take well to his probation, it will be reviewed in the January session and to save face Dumbledore neither confirmed nor denied the article, he twisted words and got most so confused they didn't bother to read between the lines by the sounds of things." Tom told him and Harry's eyes narrowed.

"He won't get out of the next one that easily. These are provable fact, I've got the past papers to prove it and with Rita's flare it will be undisputable." Harry said.

"Let him settle first, but not long enough for people to forget."

"I won't, it should be published next week or the week after." Harry agreed, "What do you have planned for Halloween this year?"


"Yes, something bad always happens on Halloween, I thought it best if we keep up with tradition."

"I believe there is a Hogsmead weekend on Halloween, I'm sure something can be arranged." Tom said with a smirk.


"Why so much interest in the other heirs?" Tom asked.

"We need 3 heirs to overwrite the headmaster/headmistress control of the castle. Even when Dumbledore is out, the position goes to McGonagall and we all know how much she's in his pocket so a 3rd heir is needed to for us to gain control. That way, no matter what they try, we and the third heir rule the castle." Harry explained,

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