Chatroom 2

499 33 8

(Squirrely has logged on)

(Squirrely has invited Doctor)

( Squirrely has invited Doctor)

( Squirrely has invited Doctor)

Doctor: Okay there are way to many Doctors!

Doctor: I agree besides my name is only just the Doctor

Doctor: No that's my name! I'm the Doctor!

Doctor: Clearly you bumble brains don't know but I am the Doctor.

Doctor and Doctor: No you aren't!

Squirrely: Ugh boys your both pretty! Just change your username to which regeneration you are!

(Doctor has changed his name to 9)

(Doctor has changed his name to 10)

(Doctor has changed his name to Giraffe)

Squirrely : Doctor!

Giraffe: Fine

(Giraffe has changed his name to 11)

11: wait so these men are me?

Squirrely : Yep! Each one of you are!

10: Dang. Do I really have that mind of chin in my 11th regeneration?

11: Oi! Why does everyone say that!

9: Sand shoes ain't wrong about chinny here, that's for sure

10 and 11: OI!!!

11: At least we have normal ears!

9: Are you really going there Chinny!

11: ...maybe...

Squirrely : BOYS!

9: That's it! What timezone are you in! I'm about to slap myself soon!

(Squirrely has invited River)

(Squirrely has invited Donna)

10: 11, what's with the funky weird bow tie?  Am I really like this?

9: Not to mention the horrid fez

11: Why you all pick on me!! :'(

River: Boys!  Stop picking on my husband!

9: WHAT?!?!?!?!,!??!?!

10: *spits out tea* WHAT?!

Squirrely : River! Spoilers! These are his past regenerations! They don't know that!

Donna: Well at least they finally became quiet

9: Who's the sassy pants in here?

Donna: Oi! Watch your mouth!

9: Oh yeah? What you gonna do? "Moisturize me?"

Donna: What the bloody H***! What does moisturizing have to do with any of this?

Squirrely : Donna don't swear! We are trying to keep this PG!

Donna: Then tell Dumbo here to shut his blabbing mouth!

9: Who you calling Dumbo, fatty!
*Sticks out tongue*

11 and River: *Stunned

10: Gasps

Squirrely : OI! 9 don't say that to a girl! Before I kick you out, You really are a Dumbo not knowing how to keep your mouth shut!

(9 has been kicked out for being a sass mouth)

Donna: Thanks even though I could've handle it by myself

Squirrely : sure you would -_-

(Donna has left chat)

10 and 11: She's good on the inside though *notices they just talked in unison and high five*

River: So this is your past Doctor. Might I say he wears sand shoes alot doesn't he?

10: Sand shoes?! Really! I save your life and all and you say Sandshoes!?

River: WHA-

Squirrely : Oh come on 10! Obviously she doesn't know! You just revealed a spoiler for her! A BIG ONE!!!


MOFFAT: We are ending this chat now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Squirrely : HOW THE HECK DID-

(Everyone has been kicked off chat)

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