Chatroom 37

129 9 0

Squirrely has logged on
Flynn has logged on
Ezekiel has logged on
Baird has logged on
Stone has logged on
Cassandra has logged on

Baird: Okay spill it. Now.

Flynn: Why would I spill a perfectly good cup of coffee?

Squirrely: Coffees bad for you

Flynn: Well then you're coffee!

Squirrely: That doesn't even make sense!

Flynn: You don't make sense!-

Baird: Stop fighting you kids!

Flynn and Squirrely: He/She started it!

Cassandra: um Flynn? Aren't you suppose to be in Alaska?

Flynn: What?-Oh Shoot!

Flynn has logged off

Stone: So what now?

Ezekiel: Oh easy! You guys can dilly dally in the silly chatroom while I go to Paris-

Squirrely: I'm babysitting you guys

Characters: What?!

Ezekiel: Baird already babysit us!

Baird: Yeah I babysit them!

Squirrely: Calm down! I'm not joining the Librarians, heck no last thing I want.

Cassandra: *whispers* I can tell you're lying

Squirrely: *shush!* Anyways, my job is to make sure your world runs the way it needs to. Make sure everything happens at the right time and place. So don't worry so much.

Stone: Is that really a job?

Squirrely: yep.

Ezekiel: So can I go to Paris-

Baird: No!

Chat has closed


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