Chatroom 31

233 12 19

( Squirrely has logged on )
( Squirrely has invited Sam)
(Squirrely has invited Dean)

Squirrely: Hello Whinchester Boys!

Sam: Uh Hi

Dean: Where the h-

Squirrely: NO SWEARING!

Dean: Why?

Squirrely: We try to keep things PG for the fans

Sam: What? We? Us? Have fans?

Squirrely: Do you remember when you crashed through the window and ended up in a universe where your life is a TV show?

Sam and Dean: Yeah?

Dean: It was horrifying

Squirrely: Well most of it is true. Your life is a tv show and quite popular too. But Misha Collins didn't die

Dean: Who the h-

Sam: Dean! Don't swear!

Squirrely: Thanks Sam. :) Misha is the actor that looks like Cas

(Cas pops out of nowhere behind Dean scaring everyone)

Dean: I swear to God I might punch you in the face one day!

Cas: Don't take his name in vain

Sam: Cas what are you doing here?

Cas: I heard my name so I came.

Dean: Well there isn't any trouble, besides the lack of pie, so you can go

Cas: Okay then.

(Cas has left)

Sam: So what were you saying of us being popular?

Squirrely: Hm? Oh right. So there is a TV show about you guys and you have an enormous fan base! Youre literally bigger than a country!

Dean: Why the heck are we popular?

Squirrely: People just love the thrill and entertainment you give. Also there is a site called Tumblr where you are one of the 3 rulers.

Sam: Who's the other 2?

Squirrely: *smirks* I think we have our next chat.

You ALL know what I'm thinking right?

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