Chatroom 11.5

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Tony (Iron Man)

Chris (Evans)

Robert (Downey(JR.))

Johnny (Human Torch)

Rogers (Cap. America)

Martin (Freeman)

Sherlock (High Functioning sociopath)

Squirrely (Gomez)

Robert: Are you inviting him? How?

Squirrely : took me a while

Sherlock: Some other twin of Tony and Robert here is something to do with me yes?

Squirrely : Basically. Yeah

Tony: Well bring him on!

Robert: They are gonna flip

(Squirrely has invited Sherlock )

Sherlock : What?! I'm right here!?

Sherlock: Why am I here Squirrely!  And why are there 4 of me?!?!?!?!?



Everyone: .....

Robert: Sherlock, I am Robert Downey Jr. I'm from another world and I act as you and Mister Tony Stark

Squirrely : Tony Stark is Iron Man in his world. He is a superhero and all.


Squirrely : I Am Getting There!

Squirrely : Robert here acted this Sherlock Holmes in 2009 and 2011. So, in another world, There is a Benedict Sherlock and a Robert Sherlock

Sherlock: Even though it somehow makes sense, I am highly freaking out

Sherlock: agreed since I had just joined this

Tony: Wait. Which Sherlock is which?

Robert and Squirrely : Ummm.........

Sherlock: I am the new Sherlock

Sherlock: Benedict is mine

Squirrely : Change your username to something else please.    ^^

(Sherlock is changed to Sociopath)
( Sherlock is changed to Sociopath)

Robert: Try again Sherlocks!

(Sociopath is changed to Holmes)
(Sociopath is changed to Holmes)

Both Holmes: REALLY?!

Squirrely : ugh! Let me do it!

(Squirrely has changed Holmes to SHB)
( Squirrely has changed Holmes to SHR)

Squirrely : There! SHB is the Benedict Sherlock and SHR is Robert Sherlock

SHB: Well done

SHR: I agree with my half self.

Tony: Soooo.....I have 4 selves?

Chris: More or Less.

Johnny: I am so confused with my life now....

Rogers: Great! 4 of you and one is a psychopath!

SHB and SHR: High Functioning sociopath *high fives each other*

Martin: Somehow, I am impossibly following this

SHB: So other Sherlock, is there another Watson?

SHR: Why yes there is! Same for you?

SHB: Very

Squirrely : This is good!

Tony: I look good British

SHR: I believe you are my other. Tell me, what is it that you do? Obviously Robert is an actor but you?

Tony: I am a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist aka Iron Man

Tony: What of you Smarty?

SHR: I'm a high functioning sociopath and a consulting detective. The address is 221B Baker St. Afternoon

SHB: That's my line!

Chris: Well you technically said it

Tony: Maaaayyyyybbbbbeeeeee.....we should end the chat

Squirrely : W-what?  Did you really say that? D-did I just hear the Tony Stark-

Robert: I'm surprised as well

Martin: So I

SHR: Before we go, who is Martin?

Martin: oh, I'm Martin Freeman.  I play the other Watson in SHB. I'm part of Squirrely's world

SHR: Makes sense, so your Watson looks like him?

SHB: Yes quite so

Squirrely : Well this has been a swell evening! Chris, Rogers, and Johnny met also Robert, Tony, and Sherlock has met Sherlock! Paradoxes everyone!

SHR: Paradoxes?

SHB: We'll save it for another chat

(Everyone has logged off )

( Squirrely has ended chat)

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