Chatroom 25

244 14 1

( Squirrely has logged on )
( 10 has logged on )
( Giraffe has logged on )
( Matt(Smith) has logged on )

Matt: HELLO ME! :D


10: Who's Matt?

Matt: ah! Good day 10! I'm Matt Smith and I play 11th Doctor!

10: Makes sense.

Squirrely : actually 10. The reason why I invited you here is because you are to meet your twin!

10: wow! Really?

Matt: yes! He was told a week ago ;)

(Squirrely has invited Tennant)

Tennant: Ello. I'm the Doctor.

10: Actually I am the Doctor. Just-

Giraffe: Just the Doctor

Matt: What up Tennant?!

Tennant: Evening Matt!

10: wow. He really is me.

Tennant: pleasure to meet you Doctor!

10: but. . .

Tennant: wat?

10: Why do I have long hair?

Matt: *snickers*

Tennant: It's for a show in doing. NOT Doctor Who related BTW

10: whew!

Tennant: -_-

Tennant: So does anyone else from DW know of this?

Squirrely : You, Matt and Jenna Coulson.

Giraffe and 10: Jenna who?

Matt: she plays Clara, 11s companion

10 and Giraffe: oohhh...

10: does 9 know?

Squirrely : nope. Neither does his twin.

Giraffe: So how many of you from your world know about this?

Matt: Besides us, Benedict, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Martin Freeman, Chris Pine, Moffat, Stan Lee, -

Squirrely : Johnny Depp, and Angelina Jolie.

Tennant : is that it?

Matt: pretty sure.

Squirrely : Well I think we shall end hm?

Everyone: Why not?

(Chat has ended)

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