Chatroom 35(Football!)

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Squirrely has logged on
Tom has logged on
Giraffe has logged on
Sherlock has logged on

Squirrely: CHEEEEEHOOOO!!!

Tom: *panics* what is it! What happened!!

Giraffe: Squirrely are you hurt!?!

Sherlock: Is it today?!

Squirrely: Heck Yah!!

Sherlock: Yes!!

Giraffe: I'm so confused.

Tom: You're not the only one

Sherlock: Against who?

Squirrely: St.Louis

Sherlock: hm.. close game. They pass really well

Squirrely: So?! Our defense is bomb!

Tom: Can Someone Please Explain What's Going On?!

Squirrely and Sherlock: THE STATE GAME IS TODAY!!

Giraffe and Tom:....

Squirrely: Must I explain everything... my highschool is in the state football championship!!!!

*Everyone shouts in joy and utter excitement*

Tom: Sherlock, I didn't know you liked american football

Sherlock: I don't. But Squirrely made me watch her team play, and I was surprised by the plays that I couldn't predict. Their team is amazing!

Giraffe: What school is that?

Squirrely: Kahuku High!

Giraffe: I'm better at playing football - er soccer :)

Tom: I'm pretty good at soccer and tennis

Sherlock: I play chess, checkers, mind games, and track and swimming

Squirrely: I do basketball, bit of soccer, football, and chess

Tom: Not to be rude, but what's so big about a highschool game? I mean you have NFL

Squirrely: Well their is college football too but you don't watch that do you?

Tom: Touche

Giraffe: So! How big is your school?

Squirrely: Huge! The campus may not look that big, but our school pride takes up North Shore!! (That's half the island) Kahuku Pride goes far!

Sherlock: Even I was shocked of how huge highschool football was in Hawaii. It's more popular than College football

Tom: Amazing! How goods the team?

Squirrely: Reaaaalll good! Go on Youtube and you'll know. Since 1999, we've been to 7 state Champs and won 6 of them!

Tom: :)

Giraffe: Well I wish your school luck! Sounds rather exciting. Can I come over to watch?

Squirrely: Chutes! Just no making predictions or calling out what Lloyd happen. It just ruins it.

Giraffe: :) I'll remember that

Tom: :) Is there a limit to the school?

Sherlock: There is definitely not! If they were limited, then their would be no exciting football.

Tom: I'm excited! See you soon guys!

Everyone has logged off to watch game

My school is in State Champs once again! If you go on Youtube and see their football highlights, you'll understand why this is so HUGE in Hawaii.
If you didn't see, our 2015 school grad video went viral and even got mentioned on GMA!
I have pride in my colors, red and white, and can't wait to watch the game!!! \!!!/

Ps. Da video is when we won states in 2011 and our boys did the haka! Pls support my school!! \!!!/

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