Need You Now *A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic*

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"You little bitch!" My father screeched, seeing that I had accidentally knocked over his beer bottle. I looked up at him, his grey eyes blazing in fury, his nostrils flared.

"It was an accident! I promise!" I cried as he took a step closer.

"Don't you lie to me you little brat! Don't act all 'innocent'." He yelled, bringing his strong hand across my face. I gasped, tears brimming my eyes. I felt heat rush to the sensitive pink skin. "Look at me, Ava." I couldn't meet his eyes, he would see I was crying and punish me for being weak. "I said LOOK AT ME!" His harsh had grabbed my chin and yanked it upwards, I cried out in pain, more tears began to pile up. I blinked them back as much as I could, but it was too late. He had noticed. "You weak little retarded child!"

I saw his hand reach back, ready to strike again, but instead of a slap, I felt a forceful fist impact my jaw. An immense throbbing pain coursed through my jaw. I tried to cry out, but my mouth was in so much pain, I couldn't. But he wasn't done yet. His fist impacted my jaw again... And again... And with the next harsh punch, I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the counter. Tears now freely escaped my eyes, and waterfalled down my cheeks. I felt a warm liquid in my mouth, and running down my neck. I looked up at my father, but any compassion there used to be was long gone now. He glared down at me, and I felt his shoe hit me in the gut. Gasping for air, I managed to open my mouth slightly, despite the immense pain. My hand instinctively went to my injured stomach, only to feel the stinging of another swift kick.

"Treacherous, ugly, worthless, no good, wimpy brat!" My father mumbled, turning around to leave. Or, that's what I thought. He was already drunk, and I had pushed him over the edge of no return. He walked away from me, only to the edge of our small kitchen. I saw him reach for a knife, and fear jolted my senses awake. Every part in my bady was weak, except for my mind, and, ignoring the dizzying pain brought with every movement, I began to crawl away from the furious assaulter. I managed to make my way out of the kitchen, but he had seen me. I felt a sharp pain unlike anything I had ever felt before in my lower leg. I let out a weak gasp- which was all I could manage with the intense pain coming from my jaw. My leg felt as if it was on fire, and I felt something warm trickling down my calf. I turned to see my father holding the knife, but now, the knife was coated in my blood. I continued clambering towards the door, but it seemed to be miles away, and every movement drained my little remaining strength. Another pain erupted, this time in my back, I looked and saw a narrow slit down my shirt, and red stains began to appear. I didn't know how much more of this I could take. My father was still behind me, preparing to strike again, and with all the strength I could muster- which really wasn't all that much-, I rolled onto my back, and used my uninjured leg to kick the knife out of my fathers hand. Somehow, it worked, the knife flew across the room, but even that didn't stop him. He was drunk, angry, and determined to kill me. His hands reached for the first thing he could find, and, unfortunately, that happened to be a large glass picture frame on the wall. He brought it down passionately on my head, glass flying everywhere, spots dancing before my eyes.

"You won't get away with this," I murmured, my vision fading quickly. He just smiled sinisterly. That smile vanished when I took every once of strength I had left in me, and let out a blood-curdling scream. And with that, my vision went black.


I woke up in a white bed with about ten cords stuck into various parts of my body. My leg had a full throbbing in it, and was wrapped carefully in a neat, white bandage, and I felt a similar bandage wrapping around my stomach and back. There was a throbbing in my head, along with a thick bandage. I reached up to feel my jaw, and winced when I touched the tender skin.

"You got one nasty bruise there." a voice exclaimed, I looked up to see a doctor smiling at me. "You finally decided to wake up I see. You won't be able to leave for a couple of days, but don't worry, we will take good care of you. " her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her dark skin and eyes made her blue outfit seem extra bright.

"My father" was all I could manage. I intended it as a question, but every muscle in my mouth throbbed intensely at any movement. The doctor's smile vanished instantly.

"That man is locked up. You won't be seeing him anytime soon. If that neighbor hadn't heard your scream... I fear what might have happened to you." she replied. "Uh, speaking of which, it seems your only living relative is your aunt... On your mom's side. She has agreed to take you in, but only if you have no friends you would rather stay with. "

"Friends?" I asked, thinking if my few friends who probably wouldn't mind me staying with them. But I wanted a fresh start. "Where does my aunt live?"

"Doncaster. It's in the UK," she replied. I swallowed, I was hoping for another state, but all the way across the ocean...

"I'll go stay with her" I decided. I wanted a new start, this was a little newer than I had wanted, but it would have to do.


A month later, I found myself sitting on a plane headed to Doncaster. I no longer wore any bandages, although the scars were still noticeable, especially the large bruise on my jaw. I had tried to cover it up with my makeup, but it only seemed to dim the color a little bit. I wore jeans even though it was July to cover up where I had been stabbed. I hadn't worn a swimsuit, or even looked at one since I got out of the hospital two weeks earlier. The pilot announced that we were landing, so I turned off my iPod, and looked out the window.

Once we landed, I made my way through the large airport. I walked out of the security area, and I saw several people looking for their loved ones to arrive. Finally, I spotted a woman with long blonde hair, and brilliant blue eyes. She wore shorts and a white tank top. She was holding a sign that said "Ava". I walked cautiously over to her, and as soon as she saw me, her face softened. She ran over and enveloped me in a hug. I flinched lightly when she touched my scarred back.

"I'm your aunt, Kerry." She explained, leading me to the baggage claim. After I had gotten my one small suitcase, we left in her grey SUV. When we got to her house, she showed me the small room I would be living in. It was obviously a cleared out office, but I didn't care. Because, for the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

"Uh, Aunt Kerry?" I asked, and she turned around "thanks. " she smiled.

"Of course, Kiddo!" She exclaimed, "dinner is at six, I'm having the neighbors over for dinner, they are good friends of mine, and they are very eager to meet you" I smiled and told her I wouldn't be late. She left to prepare the meal, and I looked around the room. There was a bed with a pink polka-dotted comforter, a brown dresser, a small desk, and an alarm clock.

Six o'clock came before I had time unpack everything, and i quickly checked in my small mirror that I had brought. My long brown hair was up in a ponytail, my makeup wasn't smeared, and my pink blouse was spotless. The only thing wrong was the bruise. It sat there stretching from the corner of my eye, to the bottom of my mouth. At least it had lost its drastic purple color.

I walked downstairs right as the doorbell rang. Aunt Kerry wiped her hands on her red apron, and opened the door. I was surprised at just how many people came through the door. There were two men and five girls. They introduced themselves. There was Mr. And Mrs. Tomlinson, who were attractive for middle- aged people, Lottie, Georgia, Daisy, and Phoebe. Let me tell you, Daisy and Phoebe were adorable! Then the other male stretched out his hand for me to shake. He seemed to be a bit older than me, maybe 20 or 21, he had brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He wore an obnoxious striped shirt and red skinny jean.

"Hello, love. I'm Louis!" He exclaimed in an overly- hyper manner. I smiled, and he smiled back as I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Louis, I'm Ava. "

Need You Now *A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now