Chapter 4

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I wasn't sure how she'd handle Niall saying that, but what happened was definitely NOT what I was expecting. I watched the scarred brunette flee, sobbing, from my flat. I walked back over to Niall and slapped him across the face.

"Dude, sorry, I didn't know! I swear!" He yelled, guilt setting in.

"I know, she knows, too. " I told him, walking swiftly into the kitchen to grab my keys.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked

"She flew in yesterday, and so she's probably lost right now. I'm gonna go find her. " I declared.

"I'll help!" Zayn exclaimed, jumping up, pulling his keys out from his pocket. "Perrie, you stay here with Dani and Liam. "

"Zayn!" She cried, but he just kissed her cheek and ran out the door.

"Heck, Per, watch over Li for me, I'm not letting that poor girl wander lost when its almost dark!" Declared Dani, tossing Liam's keys up, then catching them and walking out the door.

"It's my fault she's out there, I'll go look, too. "Said Niall sheepishly.

"Hey, Niall, can you give me a lift back to the stadium, I rode over with Danielle, so my car's still there. " Harry explained. Niall nodded, and the two left. I turned to leave.

"You should tell her how you feel. " Liam's voice called behind me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sure that my cheeks were getting pinker by the minute.

"Lou, everyone can tell you like her, well, except her. " Perrie told me, as my blush deepened.

"But, I've only known her for a day. " I muttered.

"Dude, I've known her for a couple hours and I can tell she's great. Just tell her. " Liam grinned. "Or I'll tell her for ya. "

"If you do, I'll kill you. " I scolded. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go now. " I turned and sprinted to my car.


The sun had begun to set by the time I realized I was lost. My fury had mostly subsided by now, I mean, it's not like Niall knew any better. I slowed to a walk, the cold wind whipping at my hair and biting my exposed flesh. I looked around, frightened. I had no idea where I was. Small businesses and houses surrounded me, and I silently scolded myself for jot having gotten Aunt Kerry or Louis' numbers. I could feel my cheeks turn rosy from the cold, and my feet were aching from my shoes. I felt a few tears stream down my face, but for a different reason now. I was cold, I was lost, and my feet killed me. Occasionally a car would pass, and I noticed the driver look at me sympathetically. Finally, I stumbled upon a small, run-down park. The grass was dead in several spots, and dying in the rest. The swings were squeaky and rusted. The wooden stand for the slide appeared like it would fall down at any given second, and the few benches had homeless people sleeping on all of them except one. I wandered over to the old wooden bench, and sat down. My feet thanked me, but the rest of me was scared and alert. A small group of teenagers huddled over in the corner, smoking and drinking.

"Hey babe!" The homeless guy on the bench next to me croaked, sitting up. He had a long brown beard, and wore a worn-out beanie. His clothes were dirty and ripped, he smelled like smoke, and he was on the overweight side. He was missing a few teeth, and wasn't wearing teeth. I smiled uncomfortably, and scooted over to the far side of the bench. I noticed a few of the teenagers glancing at me, and I looked at the road, desperately hoping to see someone I knew. I mean, they WOULD come looking for me right.

The group started making their way towards me. There were about ten of them, all males. They all wore baggy, old jeans, t-shirts, and thick sweatshirts. They smirked and came closer. My heart pounded, hoping they would walk past me. Instead, they stopped right in front of me.

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