Chapter 6

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I'm an idiot. Why'd I just tell her that? Liam, I'm gonna kill you. She sat in my car, safe, dried tears still visible on her face. But right now, she was staring me down, I felt about the size of an ant. Her quizzical blue eyes stared into mine, her brow creased in a mixture of confusion and shock, her mouth only slightly agape. And somewhere, deep inside those eyes, I saw a fear unlike any I'd ever seen before. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, ad I awkwardly looked down, turning my key in the ignition, trying to stay calm.


I never saw that coming. As I stared at him, I noticed how cute of a blush he had, and upon realizing I had embarrassed him, I felt the corners of my mouth turn upward just a tad. No one has ever liked me before. No one had ever looked at me that way before. No one had especially blushed because of me. As we drove down the road, I leaned back in my seat, the awkwardness in the car overwhelming the two of us. We sat in utter silence, and it was killing me slowly.

"Uh.. So Zayn was the one to find me?" I asked, my words peircing the quiet. Louis looked at me, them just as quickly, turned away. He nodded.

"Yeah, that was Zayn, they don't call him the 'Bradford Bad Boy' for nothing. " he replied, and I saw a small smirk take over the embarrassed frown. I smiled.

"Yeah... I guess not. So... Uh, when do you leave for tour?" The awkwardness still hung over us like a cloak, but talking was better than the silence.

"Oh,um, Friday," he muttered, seeming WAY too focused on the road. Friday?

"Oh, that's only five days away..." I acknowledged, sadness creeping into my voice.

"Yeah, its gonna be really hard in Liam, Zayn, and...Nevermind. " I wondered if he wanted to say himself in that sentence, although I still wasn't quite sure how or why he liked me. We drifted back into that tense silence, and I decided it would be best not to return to Louis' flat, which would just insure more awkwardness.

"Hey, Louis?" I started, his striking blue eyes meeting my for a millisecond. "Could you drop me off at Aunt Kerry's. " I saw his face fall even more, and I suddenly hoped I hadn't hurt him. However, deep down inside, I knew I had.


Oh no. I think I just ruined our friendship. She doesn't even want to hang out further. And I'll bet he can't wait for me to leave for tour, and save us both this incredible awkwardness that hangs over us. I pulled in front of Kerry's, and she thanked me quietly and got out. I watched her. Not in a creepy way, but just to make sure she got in all right, she'd already had enough trouble to last five lifetimes at least. She was perfect in my eyes, sure I just met her, but she was funny, sweet, strong, stunning. What's not to like? She didn't even look back. And that hurt. I took a deep breath and drove towards home.


I knocked lightly on the wooden door, feeling Louis' gaze on me. I wouldn't look back, that would just cause more awkwardness. He was a friend. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But something deep inside me told me things would never be the same with him as this last day and a half. That sounds so stupid, I mean, really? A day and a half? But let me be the first to tell you, alot can happen in a day and a half. My last couple days went a little something like this: wake up in America, fly, reach Doncaster, meet my aunt, unpack, meet the Tomlinsons, have nightmares, wake up in my new room, go to rehearsal and meet the boys, Danielle, and Perrie, rescue Liam from speaker accident, almost die on the way to Louis' flat, me being an idiot and running away, me getting lost, homeless guy freaking me out, ten teenage thugs almost raping me, Zayn rescuing me, Zayn failing, Louis rescuing me, Louis failing, me escaping, Niall helping, me threatening a man's life, us being freed, Louis saying he likes me. Now, as I said before, ALOT can happen in a day and a half. As Aunt Kerry opened the door, I heard a car drive away, inescapable sadness hitting me. Aunt Kerry took one look at me, gasped, and ushered me inside. She, being the caing lady she was, sat me down and proceeded to make me tea.

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