Chapter 2

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Aunt Kerry made everyone steak, mashed potatoes, and a salad. It was delicious. I noticed Louis frown breifly at the salad, just like a little boy would, but he quickly reverted back to smiling. There was another knock on the door.

"That must be Fizzy," Mrs. Tomlinson explained, getting up to answer the door.

"Who's Fizzy?" I asked, thoroughly confused. Louis laughed. I don't know why, but i had the feeling that I had seen him somewhere before...

"Fizzy's my little sister," He explained, ok, I officially decided British accents were the best thing in the world.

"You have another one?" i asked, shocked, causing him to laugh...again. He nodded. Mrs. Tomlinson returned with a girl who was probably around 12.

"Sorry that I'm late, Christina's mom was late picking us up, " the little girl explained, then she noticed me, "Who's that?"

"I'm Ava," I told her, and she smiled

"Well, hi, i'm Felicity, but you can call me Fizzy!" She introduced, now it was my turn to smile.

"So, what area of the States did you live in, Ava?" Mrs. Tomlinson asked.

"Uh, I lived in Los Angeles" I told her, now frowning, i hated that place, and the memories that came with it. Louis nodded like he knew where i was talking about, whereas everyone else seemed thoroughly confused, although I wasn't sure why.

"It's in Cali" Louis explained. They all nodded, then looked at me.

"That must have been a terribly long flight!" Mr. Tomlinson exclaimed.

"Actually, it went pretty quickly," I replied. That day had been the best day of my life. I was leaving my past behind, and starting fresh, i had been excited. Suddenly Daisy looked up with a worried face.

"Does that bruise hurt?" she asked, earning her entire family to look at her, then back at me, then back at her nervously. I nodded.

"yeah," i said slowly, " A little"

"How'd you get it?"

"DAISY!" Mrs. Tomlinson scolded, "That's enough!" Daisy seemed hurt, not realizing what she had done to deserve being yelled at.

"It's ok, Mrs. Tomlinson," I began, she looked at me hesitantly, "Daisy," she looked up at me, "My father wasn't very nice to me" she looked confused, "He, got mad very easily, and one day, he had drunken to much,"

"Oh! Like Louis does alot?" She interjected, and i shot a glance at Louis, who was blushing profusely, I smirked.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe," I replied, then continued with my story, "i accidently knocked something over, and he got really mad. He began to hit me, and that's where the bruise came from." A look of horror shown on Daisy's face.

"Louis drinks... ALOT, but he never gets like that!" She exclaimed, earning chuckles from around the table, and Louis' blush to deepen, "He just acts all silly and dumb and can't walk very well," Now we all laughed, and Louis shot a glare at Daisy. She just giggled. I swore I've seen this guy before....

"So, Louis, what are you doing tomorrow?" Aunt Kerry asked, eager to change the subject. He looked up.

"Oh, the lads and I were gonna go to rehearsal, then hit the mall. We've gotta get some new clothes before the tour Friday." He explained, and his mom looked sad. Tour? Like...To historical sites...?

"Are Dani and Perrie going?" she continued, and he nodded. I swear I'd heard those names together.

"Yeah, Liam's really excited, he hasn't seen Dani for a couple weeks." He told her, and she smiled. Liam. I've heard that name before. And Louis. And Danielle. And Perrie. Gosh... Ava, where have you seen this guy before?

Need You Now *A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang