Chapter 7

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I sat in my car, which sat in the small parking lot n front of the small cafè, Albens. The cursive neon sign was the only thing illuminating the dark sky, seeming as clouds covered te moon. I was early, but it's not like I had anything better to do, it's not like I was getting any sleep. I kept having the nightmares. They haunted me. They showed Ava, getting attacked, as me being utterly hopeless, but in the dreams no one saved the day. Ava lay, motionless on the ground, the boys leaving her there. I couldn't stand it. It had been bad enough to experience it. I didn't need constant repeats of the episode.


I grabbed my small purse and shoved my phone into it. I had slipped into a plain white tank top, with a jean jacket, and a pair of flare jeans. White sneakers and a French braid completed the look. I rushed out the door, and began the short trek to the cafè. The cool night chilled me to the bone, and I looked around, images of my father and rapists hiding in the depths of the shadows. I quickened my pace.

When I reached the cafè, one lonely car sat in the parking lot, one I recognized from earlier. I nearly ran towards if, my body shivering from the cold British air. Before I reached it, the door opened, and my stomach fluttered. Louis wore a red beanie over his clearly un- combed hair, he also wore a red t- shirt and some sweatpants. I walked towards him as he smiled nervously.

"Hi, Ava, " he mumbled, barely audible.

"Hey," I replied, equally nervous. We walked towards the cafè, awkward silence accompanying us. Louis raced ahead and grabbed the dirty glass door, opening it for me. That was nice. "Thanks" he nodded slightly, following me in. Warm air welcomed us along with the sweet aroma of coffee. I guided him towards the back of the building, and I sat down. He followed my example.


My heart quickened when I saw her. She looked beautiful, even without makeup. In fact, I think she looked better. A waitress came over and we both ordered hot cocoa. The scalding liquid was the perfect blend of chocolate and mint. I looked up at her nervously, she cleared her throat quietly.

"Uh, Louis, we... We need to talk..." Fear jolted through me, what was about to happen? "Uh, you know how earlier... In the car..." Oh, shoot. Not that. I nodded, heat rushing to my cheeks. I noticed she had blushed as well. "Well, I... I've been... Uh... Thinking..." Uh oh. That didn't sound good. "And.. Well, to be honest, I've only known you for a day and a half-" crud. This DEFINITELY wasn't good.


I could tell he was embarrassed. I mean, his face looked similar to a ripe tomato. I tried to rush my words out, so I could finish, my my mouth had gone completely dry, and I stumbled over my words. He HAD to let me finish. "But... Alot can happen in a day and a half. I learned that the hard way," his desperate eyes seemed to have a hint of hope back in them, and that was enough to encourage me to push forward "and... Well, tonight... When I was in bed... I had this nightmare...." His glance caught mine briefly, and I could tell he knew what that was like. "But.... In this... Nightmare... I learned something. " he eyes had a spark of curiosity in them, and he looked up from his mug. "When my father mentioned you..." Ahh! Now he knew I had dreamt about him. Well, there's no turning back now. "Uh... Well, he said that you were... Uh, dead. " Now he looked confused. "And... Well, I realized that... I realized that... " Come on, say it. Say it, Ava. " that I like you, too. " my words came out in more of a whisper, really. I looked down at my mug, feeling his stare burning at me.


Of all the things I had thought would happen, THAT was not one of them. When she said it, it was barely audible, but it was enough to make my heart fly to my head, and my fear vanish. I looked at her, as she blushed and stared down at her cup. A crazy grin appeared on my face, and she glanced up ever so slightly. Upon seeing my face, her blush disappeared and her eyes brightened.

"So..." She mumbled, a grin forcing itself onto her features.

"Did you really have to wait to figure that out until tonight? You put Liam through a bit of pain.." I replied, chuckling. Her face turned worried. I laughed. "Oh, don't worry, nothing too serious. Just a couple of broken limbs and claw marks..." Her faced turned shocked, making me laugh even more. "I'm kidding. I just slapped him a couple times... And yelled at him. "

"Why?" She asked, laughing.

"He gave me the advice to tell you how I felt. " she laughed now. Her laugh was throaty but feminine. And it was so contagious, I don't think anyone couldn't laugh around her.


Poor Liam. But at least he gave him that advice. He really was Daddy Direction. Louis' laugh was incredible. When he laughed, it was so full of joy, not even a hint of anything but joy. And when he laughed, he got the cutest expression on his face. His eyes scrunched closed, his mouth open wide, his head thrown back like a little kid. It was adorable. After we stopped laughing, his face became overjoyed, yet serious.

"Ava, can I ask you something?" I nodded, still grinning.

"Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" His words shot through me. Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend. Me. Me and him. A couple. I grinned like an idiot and nodded. He smiled.


She was my girlfriend. My girlfriend was her. I was overjoyed. Until it hit me.

"What's wrong?" She asked, suddenly worried. I frowned.

"The tour. " i replied less than enthusiastically. Her grin vanished. "I leave in four days. "


Hey guys, so I hope y'all enjoyed it!!! I had fun writing it :) please leave your feedback! I love hearing from you guys!

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