Chapter 11

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"Louis, where are we going?" I giggled as I looked at him. His smirk hadn't left his face since he made the decision.

"It's a surprise!" He glanced at me, his eyes full of mischief, making me lightly punch him.

"I can't stand not knowing things!" I replied.

"You will know in time, love!" He grinned, and I felt the car speed up ever so slightly.

"So... What's your favorite song?" I asked, breaking the silence that made my mind wander creating all the places he might be taking me.

"That I sing... Or by another artist?" He replied.

"Oh... Uh... Both!" I decided. He thought for a moment.

"C'mon C'mon probably for the song that I sing. And... Look After You by The Fray." He stated.

"Really? I love Look After You!" I exclaimed. It was one of my all time favorite songs. He laughed.

"Yeah, before One Direction happened, I actually did a cover of it." He told me, almost as if it was embarrassing.

"Did you post it on YouTube?" I asked, suddenly wanting to hear his rendition of the song. Sheepishly, he nodded. "It can't be that bad!"

"It's pretty bad!" He objected. I fumbled around in my purse before finding my IPhone. I immediately opened up YouTube and searched for "look after you Louis Tomlinson". I clicked on the first one I saw- which, surprisingly, there were several videos that popped up. As it began playing, I really didn't see why he was so embarrassed, he sounded like an angel!

I looked over at him, and laughed. His face was the color of a firetruck. He stared straight ahead.

"Lou, it's really good! You sound amazing!"

"Yeah... Right."

"I'm not kidding!"

"It's bad enough that I posted it. But now all the fans have seen it..."

"And they love it!" I exclaimed, scrolling through the thousands of comments. "Well... Most of them" I decided, coming across one that read 'This sucks! He just ruined the song! The Fray are incomparable!' Gosh, some people could be so harsh!

"Yeah... That's just cause it is me singing. And I'm their idol."

"Vain much?" We both laughed, and Louis turned his focus back towards the road.

"We are almost there!"

"Finally!" I cried, exasperated. I couldn't stand not knowing things. That's how... That's how I got my first beating from my father. I shuddered at the memory of that night. My eyes opened wide as I felt the familiar feeling.

I was suddenly five years old again, wearing my favorite Barbie nightgown, and my father sat on the couch. He had a bottle in his hand, and at that sign I should have turned back, I should have known better. But I didn't. I hadn't. I couldn't stop myself as I felt my little feet advance towards the couch.

I willed myself to stop, but as always, I couldn't change what was about to happen. I reached the edge of the couch, and saw that my father was on the computer. I felt the strong urge to know what he was doing.

"Daddy?" I asked in a small voice. "What are you doing?" His eyes stayed glued to the screen. "Daddy?" No reply. I walked closer. "What are you doing?" I reached the edge of the couch, and I leaned forward...

My father's eyes landed on me just as I saw the horrific image that was on the screen. Before I knew what was happening, I was flying towards the floor, immense pain in my cheek. Shocked, my small hand touched the tender pink cheek.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?" Father yelled, glaring down at me. I had never seen his eyes so dark. Never seen him angry. I could see every vain on his arms clearly.

"I'm sorry daddy, I-" I began in a scared voice. I was interrupted by a large pain in my stomach. I gasped for air, watching as my father brought his foot forward to strike again. Tears streamed down my face.

"Daddy! Stop! You're hurti-" I felt another pain in my stomach. With my small arms, I scrambled away.

"Darling, what's all the noi-" my mother walked in, her pink bathrobe tied neatly. Her long blonde hair was damp from her shower, her mouth hung agape. "Ava?" She almost whispered, her voice cracking as her eyes landed on my fallen state. A tear trickled down her face as she rushed over to me.

"Amanda, I-" my father started, his dark eyes wide with guilt.

"Frank! What did you do to her?!" She cried, her soft hand resting on my stinging cheek.

"I-I didn't... I didn't mean to..."

"Frank! You HURT her! SHE'S OUR DAUGHTER!" My mom looked up at him, her eyes ablaze.

"I know Amanda! I just got mad! She saw what I-" he stopped suddenly, fear jolting through his entire frame. His eyes landed briefly on the laptop. Mom had noticed.

"Frank?" Her voice managed. She got up slowly, making her way over to the laptop. Before she could reach it, a large hand pummeled her flawless face. She gasped in surprise.

"Ava?!?" A familiar voice cried in alarm. My eyes fluttered open, my cheeks damp. I looked at Louis, who's eyes were full of worry. He stood just outside my door. He had pulled the car over. "Are you ok? You like... Passed out or something!"

I nodded slowly. This had happened before. Sometimes I got such strong memories that it was almost as if I was transported back to that day. And I blacked out.

"Yeah, I'm fine Louis." I sat up, wiping my cheeks. "Don't worry about it." Hesitantly, he reached for my hand. Confused, I looked up at him. He laughed.

"We are here!" He answered my unasked question. My eyes shot open and I quickly looked around. Oh. My. Gosh. This was gonna be fun!


Dedication to the AMAZING person who made my AMAZING cover and story ad!!!

Sorry it took me so long to update!! I've been SUPER busy lately! Anyways! Comment and vote!!! Don't be silent readersssss!!!

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