Chapter 9

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Liam's jaw hung agape, as did Niall's. Harry's face was priceless (his eyes bugging out of his head, his mouth open slightly. Zayn just grinned like an insane idiot, his eyes flickering back and forth between the two of us- why were now entirely dry.

"Wha?" Harry mumbled, still shocked, and I had to laugh.

"A girl, Friend. Girlfriend. Ava is my girlfriend, Harry," Louis sounded it out slowly, smirking. Everyone laughed, well, except Harry, who seemed unable to move.

"What did I tell ya?" Liam exclaimed, with a smug expression on his face. Louis rolled his eyes. "See, Lou! You punched me for no reason!"

"Well, excuse me for not knowing that after that incredibly awkward car ride she would text me in the middle of the night and we would meet up at that café!" He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"How are you gonna tell the fans?" Asked Zayn, causing a crazily mischievous grin on my boyfriend's face.

"Oh, I'm planning something very special!" Louis replied. He glanced at me and winked, causing me to laugh nervously.

"Danielle's gonna be so excited!" Liam muttered, reaching for his phone. "She really likes you," he smiled at me. I blushed.

"Hey Liam?" I asked, cussing his brown eyes to look up at me.


"How did you know Lou liked me?" I giggled nervously, and Louis blushed a deep pink. Liam smirked.

"We could all tell. We know him well enough to notice when he stares, blushes, and flirts around a girl," he replied, the other boys nodding their heads in agreement.


"OH MY GOSH! AVA! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Danielle demanded as she got out of her car and charged toward us. I smiled.

"Uh. Well. Lou and I-"

"Skip I the end."

"He asked-"

"Never mind. Tell me everything!"

"Ok, well"

"Ahh, how did it end!"

"Danielle!" Liam sighed, smirking slightly while putting his arm around her. "Make up your mind." She blushed, and looked at him.

"Just... Tell me the quick version."

"Ok, well, we met at the café at midnight and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I answered, grinning at Louis, who grinned back.

"Zayn have you told Per yet?" She asked, and Zayn looked up from his phone.

"I'm scared to. "


"Uh, well, last night she decided that Louis and Ava were soul mates and that when they or together she would flip out and yeah... If its anything like what I just saw...." He replied, Danielle punching him lightly in the arm.

"Fine. I'll tell her!" She exclaimed, reaching for her phone.

"NO! I'll do it!" Zayn cried, causing us all to laugh.


"I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN CUZ YOU TWO LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER AND AVA YOU SEEM SUPER SWEET AND I JUST KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!" Perrie exclaimed, her curly blonde hair whipping in her face due to the wind. She had a crazy grin on her face, and her eyes were wide. Upon reaching me, she smiled and looked from me to Lou. "Finally!"

She took a hold of my shoulders the hugged me. I laughed.

For the next few hours we talked and sang and just hung out. It was amazing how at home I felt, especially for only knowing these people for a couple days.

"Lou..." Harry mumbled after we finished our discussion about the USA. His brow was furrowed and his lips were turned into a frown. Lou looked confused.

"What's wrong, Harry?" He asked. Harry glanced up, and swallowed.

"What about... Your mom?" Lou's face suddenly fell.

"I'm not sure what to do about that..." He almost whispered.

"What?" I asked, and when I looked around I saw that everyone's faces now held frowns. "What wrong?"

"Well, my mom, she.... Well she really liked my ex, Eleanor. She actually wanted me to propose. She wanted Eleanor to be part of the family. And ever since we broke up... She's been trying to get us back together. I just don't know that... That she will take the news very well." Louis answered, unable to look up at me. Now my smile vanished. His mom ha to like me! She HAD to!

"Oh..." I mumbled, suddenly feeling my cheeks burning red. I felt everyone's gaze on me, and I fixated on a small piece of grass at my feet.


To be honest, my mom was one step less than obsessed with getting me and Eleanor back together. There was NO way she would like the idea of Ava and I being together. In fact, she's probably try to split us up somehow. I loved my mom, but when it came to Eleanor, she really got on my last nerves.

I looked at Ava, who was now intently fidgeting with a small piece of grass as her cheeks were rosy. She was truly beautiful. Even when she was clearly upset. Slowly, I slid closer to my girlfriend- I still can't believe I get to call her that. I leaned in towards her ear.

"It's ok. I'm sure she will love you once she gets to know you!" I whispered, my lips brushing her ear. I hadn't realized I was THAT close. I leaned back, and she turned to me, smiling weakly.

"We might as well get it over with..." She mumbled. I could tell he was still weary. I nodded slowly.

"Ok, but I can't promise she'll be nice." I warned, and she glanced down, and nodded.

"Let's go."


I sat on our small red couch, nervously waiting for my mother to return with drinks. Ava sat beside me, every muscle of hers completely tensed. I leaned towards her.

"I don't care if she likes you or not. I like you and that's all that matters. "

Ok. I lied. But hey, you should've seen how scared she looked. Her eyes continuously examining everything in the room, her muscles tensed, she kept swallowing, and she hasn't said a word sense we arrived.

"Ok, here you are!" Mom exclaimed, handing us both a cup of steaming tea. Ava thanked her quietly. "I'm so glad you two get along! I can tell you're gonna be great friends! And once Lou and El get back together, I'm sure you two will be the best of friends!" Now it was my turn to tense up. Gosh, mom. Really? You just HAD to say that didn't you? "So, Lou, what's you want to talk about?" She smiled warmly.

"Uh... Well, actually..." Ava began, my mom looked at her warmly.

"Speak up, darling! I can scarcely hear you!"

"Uh, you see, Lou and I... We..." She tried again, louder this time.

"Mom. Ava and I are here to tell you something very serious. And I'm not sure how you'll take it, but I hope you'll take the news very well-" I started, and my mom grinned like crazy.


"No. Mom. Me and Eleanor AREN'T getting back together!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

"Don't say that, Louis! There's got to be a reason neither of you are in relationships!"

"See, mom. That's where you're wrong!"

"El has a boyfriend! Who?"

"No, mom! Ava is my girlfriend!" I shouted, exasperated. Her smile vanished as she looked at me as if to see if I was telling the truth.


So sorry it took so Long to update! I've been so busy lately! Please leave you feedback loves!

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