Shot Through The Heart (Usopp)

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A request made by: panpan42

Thank you for the request! I enjoyed the prompt you gave me so I had a lot of fun writing this one! Wherever you are, hope you're doing okay!


"You know, you could just... talk to him, (Y/N)."

The cyborg casually comments, not fully understanding as to why it was hard for you to tell a certain someone how you truly felt.

Cheeks tinted in deep red, a high-pitched squeak escaped your lips as the thought of just directly telling him your feelings makes you squirm in embarrassment. Your arms visibly shaking, you vehemently shook your head, "No! I won't do that! I can't do that! It's already hard enough to think about the scenario in my head, how much more if I were to actually do it?!"

Your hands immediately fly towards your face, palms and fingers fully covering the flush that decorated your cheeks. A sigh escapes the cyborg's lips as he gently rubs the somewhat metallic bridge of his metallic nose.

"Look sis, Usopp won't tease you if you just tell him. Hell, maybe—"

"Fra-niki, you don't understand! What if he starts avoiding me if I told him?!" You uncovered your face and gazed hard at the cyborg in front of you, red cheeks gone and are now replaced with eyes glistening in salty tears. With quivering lips, a pout graces your countenance, "I don't want him to avoid me. I... I'd rather we stay friends and stay close."

You lower your head, hiding the tears that are now starting to flow down your cheeks. Big, metallic hands held your chin gently and you found yourself looking at your brother whose eyes show concern and support.

"(Y/N), I know it takes a lot of courage to tell someone you like them. I don't want to rush you and pressure you, but honestly, I think it's better if you told him." He gently grabs both of your shoulders and rubs them with his metallic thumbs. Gazing warmly at your (E/C) orbs, he continues, "I will be there when he doesn't feel the same way. And don't worry! I'll knock him out if he ever mocks your confession. He's my friend, sure, but you're my sis."

Your sad frown then slowly curves into a big toothy grin as you gaze tenderly at your cyborg brother. With a soft chuckle, you rushed towards Franky and engulfed him in a warm hug. "Thank you, Fra-niki! I'm so lucky to have you as my brother!"

Franky huffs his chest proudly as he flashes you with a confident, toothy grin, "Of course! I'm a super brother after all!"


"Heads up! I see land up ahead!"

The green-haired swordsman screams as he makes his way down from the crow's nest towards the deck. He lands safely in front of you and glances towards your form. You smile and nod at him, making your way towards the kitchen where all your friends are currently hanging out. Sanji was making snacks for everyone, making your stomach grumble at the scrumptious scent of food lingering in the air. You shake your head as you chuckle and quickly push the door open.

All eyes turn to you and you found yourself shrinking a bit, face flushed in embarrassment. Tucking your (H/C) hair behind your ear, you announce to them that the swordsman had spotted an island.

"Should we make a stop there, Nami?" You glance towards the orange-haired navigator who quickly gulps her food down her throat as she gazes at you and gives you a warm smile. She stands and makes her way towards you, "Sure! We're a bit low on supplies and we need to restock soon anyway."

You nod at her as she makes her way outside towards the deck. You turn to follow her, only to stop in your tracks and jolt in surprise as your ears pick up a familiar voice—the one that would always make your heart skip a beat.

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