Where I've Been

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Salutations, nakamas! This is Vixenia and I have a message from the high up! Request board has been edited. I have made an announcement there!

Who would've thought that college life is hard? I had to pause making oneshots because I had to prioritize my class works and projects and I can't multitask between the projects and my oneshots so I had to make a tough choice.

However, that does not mean that those who have requested their oneshots will be completely forgotten! I intend to deliver and I will keep that promise. It may still take a buttload of time for me to publish the pending oneshots but rest assured that I will give what was asked of me.

For now, these are the pending oneshots that I have not published yet:

Sanji  - requested by Vemu_Abhi (Published)

Usopp - requested by panpan42 who, unfortunately, does not have their account anymore (or I have been muted or blocked I don't know). But, I still intend to publish the oneshot so that all of you can enjoy (hope they still have their wattpad account though!) (Published)

Luffy - requested by luluzinhagacha1 (Published)

Mihawk - requested by Aceswife (Published)

I have also noticed additional requests from other people and I am quite flattered that you would entrust me with your oneshots! I have not read through all of the requests but I will get back to them as soon as I finish the aforementioned oneshots.

Right now, I have decided to close the request board so that I won't be overloaded with a bunch of stuff.

I think an apology should be in order, but at this point, it kind of sounds like an unreasonable excuse, doesn't it?

Instead, I want to thank you for bearing with me. As a reader and writer, it is frustrating to have an author who does not update their books and sometimes you just want to let them know that there are people waiting and eager to read your written works.

But, I have come to understand that writing really takes time and sometimes you have to make a tough choice. It takes a lot of guts to be able to make such decisions, and it's a heavy burden knowing that there are people out there waiting for you.

Once again, I want to thank all of you. Thank you for your patience and I assure you, you will be rewarded handsomely.

Lovelots, you guys! Stay safe.


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