I Thought You Guys Knew (Luffy)

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A request made by: luluzinhagacha1

I had a prompt in my head and I hope that I was able to execute this one properly. I hope you enjoy this one!


Love-both simple and complicated. Love comes in different forms and it can be seen as easily as you see the clouds; or subtle, like the tiniest forms of insects making their home beneath a shelter of green over their heads.

They thought that everyone could see how much they adored each other. Oh, how mistaken they were.


"Hey, (Y/N)!! Take a look at this," a boy with hair as dark as his eyes took hold of what looks to be some sort of contraption unknown to his curious eyes. He presents the item towards a female whose (H/C) strands frame her features quite beautifully. (E/C) eyes glazed over the unknown item as she scans it, unsure of what was in front of her.

She hums and crosses her arms, "I don't think I'll ever figure this out. We should ask Robin for this. I mean, it's kind of her forte," she comments, her hand casually finding its way towards the boy as the boy in question immediately grabs hold of hers and entwines it with his own. Together, they made their way out of the forest and back towards the ship where the female-Robin-was currently stationed at.

The two had emerged from the embrace of the greeneries as they slowed to a stop upon seeing the familiar ship that they had come to see as their home. The Thousand Sunny had docked quite comfortably by the shores, perfectly protected by their shipwright who was on the deck chilling with a cola in his hand.

The blond chef of the Straw Hat Pirates turned his head towards the presence of the two people that had emerged from the forest as he continues to create a campfire with the help of their sniper and their raccoon-I mean, reindeer doctor.

He casts a soft smile upon seeing their faces; shoulders visibly slumping as he sighs. "I'm glad you were able to find a way out of the forest. I hope the vast land of trees were able to satisfy your curiosity, Luffy." He lightly huffs on his cigarette as he continued building the campfire.

Luffy grins widely, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He presents the unknown item towards his friends and responds, "Yeah, (Y/N) and I found this cool-looking thing deep in the forest and we wanna ask Robin about it!"

Luffy drapes his arm over (Y/N)'s shoulder and brings her closer; the female casually grabbing his hand by his wrist as she puts her arm around his waist. The chef's swirly brow twitches slightly at the sight of their closeness but decides to keep quiet for now. He smiles at them and turns his attention towards the ship where the aforementioned female was currently at.

"Robin-swan! Luffy and (Y/N) found something and they wanna talk to you about it!" he calls, his smile widening at the sight of her emerging by the railings. Robin glances towards Luffy and (Y/N) and smiles as she makes her way down the ship.

She slows to a stop just a few distance away from the two and gracefully puts a hand on her hip. With a graceful smile, she asks, "How may I be of service?"

The (H/C)-haired female smiles at her friend as Luffy hands her the item. She presents it to their archeologist friend and responds, "Luffy found this while we were exploring the forest. I'm a little unsure of what this is, so we wanted to know if you have an idea of what this thing is."

She places a finger under her chin as she hums in contemplation. Before a minute could pass, her eyes brighten as she immediately gives them an answer, "It appears to be an ancient digging tool from centuries ago," she pauses, excitement bubbling within her as she continues, "this island must hold a vast history hidden beneath the grassy roots."

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