The Spark I Seek (Sanji)

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A: I'm sorry it took a while! I hope it met your expectations! -V♡

Requested By: Lucy_D_Vinsmoke

Being the twin sister of the one and only Monkey D. Luffy was both a blessing and a curse. First, it was a blessing because of how empathetic he was and how he was willing to help those who he considers his friends. And of course, he was willing to help you, since you were his twin sister after all.

However, being his twin was also a  curse because of his sheer stupidity and the fact that he doesn't even act like most Captains in a pirate crew do.

You were different from Luffy. You were smarter and you were more responsible when it comes to being the Captain of the Straw Hat pirates.

But still, you loved your twin brother dearly and you would risk your life just to save him and your fellow crewmates.


"(Y/N)!! Look, I caught a huge fish!" The Straw Hat captain shrieked, waving the fish proudly as he beamed at you, waiting eagerly for your reply.

You deadpanned at your twin brother before giving him a small smile, happy to see him grinning like the idiot he is.

"That looks rather tasty. Why don't you give it to Sanji? I'm sure he'll make the fish even tastier than it is," Was your reply, as you continued to sew a lavender scarf made with silk. Your twin brother then grinned more and proceeded to nod, happily marching towards Usopp and Chopper to show them the huge fish that he caught.

You smiled faintly as you basked under the rays of sunlight, the heat softly touching your (S/T) skin. You closed your eyes, tranquility drawn all over your facial features as you gracefully worked on your scarf with masterful skills.

After what seemed like an hour, a delightful aroma reached your nose, making you stop what you were doing and inhaled the scent. Doing so made your stomach growl, telling you of your hunger.

You set the scarf you were making aside and made your way to the kitchen, now only realizing that you were alone on the deck. You scoffed lightly at the barren sight, lips forming into a pout as you deduced that they went to the kitchen without you.

"Meanies." You mumbled under your breath, a soft sigh escaping your lips.

As you marched towards the door leading to the kitchen, you reached out to the knob only for the door to swing open by itself. Behind the door, there stood the blond chef, plate in his hand.

You were caught off guard, your heart almost leaping out of your chest. Seeing his eyes gazing right at you froze you, your feet stuck firmly on the floor.

Seeing your facial features made a smile creep on his handsome face, the smell of the cooked food still lingering.

"(Y/N)-chan! I was about to deliver this food to you, but I'm glad that you came by yourself." He said, his smile still present.

Shrugging off the overwhelming shock that washed over you, you immediately covered it up, frowning at the male before you.

"How come no one even bothered to call me? What am I, a ship decoration?" You complained, frustration evident in the tone of your voice.

Hearing you complain made Sanji chuckle lightly, delight present in his countenance. He locked his gaze and focused on you, making you squirm under his gaze, tints of pink starting to color your cheeks.

"That would be my fault. I told them not to disturb you as I know how upset you get when someone disturbs you while working on something. I apologize, (Y/N)-chan." He answered, washing away your worries and frustration.

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