{8} - Restraint

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The sun was setting and night was approaching and still Andre sat there answering the barrage of questions being flung at him. He was careful with his answers though. The last thing he wanted was to tell the police about what he and Wanda had discovered before he had a chance to first tell Rafe.

The two officers sitting adjacent to him gave him another skeptical look before the burly one to his right spoke, the cynicism in his every word, palpable. "So, you're saying that you were never really kidnapped and you left with a nurse of your own free will, correct?"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying." Andre answered firmly. "As a matter of fact, we never really left the hospital. That's why no one saw us leave." He sighed loudly. "Why are you still asking me the same questions? I have already told you all of this."

The other officer sat forward and grinned sardonically, showing yellowed teeth. "Yeah, you did tell us something of that nature, didn't you sir? Funny though, how we don't seem to believe a word you're saying. Now, why would that be, I wonder?" He smiled smugly then and relaxed back, folding his arms across his chest.

Andre stared at them, mouth agape. Are they serious? It was getting to the point where they had passed the point of being mere nuisances and had graduated to extremely annoying in a matter of minutes.

Where's a diploma when you need one? Instead of handing it to them as reward for their stupidity, he would probably just bang them over the head with it and hope he knocked them unconscious.

"Believe it or not, that's what happened." He said wearily. "You're trying to make something out of nothing all because of a supposed intuition and it's ridiculous. My answers are not going to change just because you want them to."

The relaxed pose and smug smile disappeared as suddenly as it had come.

"I don't think you quite understand our determination here, boy. We're basically gonna keep asking these same questions till we get the right answers and uh, believe me, we're not averse to staying here, all night if need be, to get them." He turned to his partner. "Isn't that right, Sheldon?"

The burly officer inclined his head. "Right you are, Preston. What a fine idea. I mean, you don't mind staying up all night and keeping us company, do you, Mr. Phillipe? Why, it'll be just like a bloomin' slumber party!"

They both guffawed like veritable idiots.

If he had a shoe in his hand right now, he'd throw it straight at them and hope he broke a nose or a rib or something. But wouldn't that get him arrested? God, they were driving him crazy! If they asked him one more question, he just might start screaming.

And the bad thing was, he couldn't just get up from the bed and walk out on them and they knew that, which probably gave them joy to no end. The grimy bastards! He didn't know how he'd endured this long without pulling his own hair out.

Ugh, why did Rafe have to go and leave him here with these imbeciles? Wasn't it enough that he was already stressed about his shortened life span? He had to put up with thing one and thing two as well? Oh hell no!

He was about to start contemplating the pros and cons of just throwing himself to the floor and crawling away when the door burst open and Rafe walked into the room with a thunderous expression on his face.

Oh thank god!

He was so relieved he completely missed the fact that the anger was directed at him and not at the officers smiling so smugly before him. So, when he finally spoke up, his heart very nearly plummeted down into his stomach.

"Officers, I believe I have the answers you're looking for." He said, directing a glare his way. Andre cringed at the intensity of it and wished the bed would suddenly open up and swallow him whole. He had a feeling the cat was most certainly out of the bag which could only mean one thing.

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