(3) Worlds Collide

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A week later 

Bucky came home from work earlier than usual. It was Pietro's bachelor party so he made sure him and all the guys got out in time to make it home to change. Rochelle seen him come in and go straight upstairs. 

She looked to the nanny and said "You can go." 

She put Paxton in the playroom turned on a movie. Madison was napping in her nursery as Rochelle went into the master bedroom. 

"I thought that I made it clear that I didn't want to do the photo shoot." She said 

"You talked." He said as he was laying out clothes. 

"James! I don't want to be in a photo shoot! We aren't puppets!" She snapped 

"Rochelle! We are doing the photo shoot and that's final! And I'm not a puppet!" He snapped 

"Oh you are so their puppet!" She yelled 

"I am not!" He said 

"James! Do you remember when we were about to move back here after we finished medical and business schools? We were three days away from closing on a brownstone when you came home and said that your grandfather found us this house. You cancelled our closing appointment and got our money back. You didn't even ask me if I was okay with that." She said 

Bucky groaned. "God Rochelle! Excuse me for me thinking ten steps ahead! I thought that maybe it would be nice to already have a house and shit for the kids! I thought it would be nice to have their grandparents close by." He yelled 

"Really?! That's what your excuse is! We didn't have kids when we moved in here! You moved us here because that's what they wanted! And I don't want to do the stupid photo shoot! Our kids are 2 and 1 they don't know how to sit still and smile!" She yelled 

"We are doing the photo shoot because it's important to my family! I don't put up a god Damn fuss when we have to take off for two weeks to the French Alps with your family because it's important to them. And I hate going but I do it because that is your family Rochelle. So why don't you pay my family the same damn respect." He said 

She stood there speechless as tears fell. Rochelle bit her lip then walked to her closet she pulled out her suitcase. 

"What are you doing?" He said 

"I'm going to Vermont where my family is staying currently. I'm taking the kids with me maybe when I come back on Sunday you'll be in a better mood." She said as she packed a few things.

She packed up the kids and left. Bucky heard her slam the door as he sat on their bed. He twirled his wedding band before he laid it on the nightstand. He went to finish getting ready for Pietro's bachelor party. 

He was the last one to arrive. When he found the guys Kelsea was already bringing them their first round of tequila shots and gin and Coke's. 

"Hi what can I get for you?" She said 

"Bourbon and coke no ice." He said as he locked his blue eyes on her eyes. 

A few hours later Bucky found himself talking and flirting with her when she wasn't delivering drinks. By the end of the night it was just him as she slowly started to clean tables. 

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