(5) Ghosts

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Six weeks later 

"Where are you Bucky?" Kelsea whispered to herself.

She got herself up for class as soon as her feet hit the ground. A rush of nausea over came her and she went running to the bathroom. She puked for a good 5 minutes before she settled against her bathroom counter. 

"Surely to God I'm not pregnant." She whispered 

She slowly got herself ready for class grabbed a coffee and a biscuit at the diner she works at too. All day long she kept having nausea and puked up her lunch. The smells of diner food for five hours made her want to vomit. 

She wasn't the only one having a bad day. Bucky met Rochelle at her doctor's appointment because they had make up sex. Rochelle thought she could be pregnant again but her tests kept coming up negative. 

"Okay Mrs Barnes. You aren't pregnant..the  blood work results show that your HCg levels are low so you aren't pregnant. So we went ahead got your other lab work." Dr Coomer said as he sat down. 

"We already know what the blood work said. You told me that two days ago." Rochelle said 

"I know we had them run it again. Just to be safe but all of your scans came back. It appears that you have ovarian cancer. You have two tumors one on each ovary. So we need to schedule a time for us to go in and do a biopsy." Dr Coomer said 

"And if it is cancerous?" Bucky said 

"If it is we will have you all speak a gynocological oncologist to set up a treatment plan." Dr Coomer said 

"Okay." Rochelle said 

"You have any questions?" Dr Coomer said 

"She's 30.." Bucky said 

"James this can happen to anyone.." she said as the doctor walked out. 

They set up the biopsy and left.

The next morning Kelsea took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. She took three more and they came back positive. Her doctor was able to work her in due to a last minute cancellation. 

While she was waiting she began to flip through a magazine. As she was flipping through she landed on the Barnes family magazine spread. She nearly dropped the magazine when she was staring at Bucky and his family. He had Madison in his arms with some blonde pigtails an adorable little boy standing in between him and Rochelle. 

"He lied to me.." she whispered 

"Kelsea Franklin." The nurse said 

They confirmed her pregnancy with blood work and a ultrasound. As she was leaving she sat in her car. She took a deep breath and headed towards NYC. She parked in the parking garage in the building next door. She made her way to Bucky's building. 

The receptionist looked up. "How can I help you?" She said 

"I need to speak to James Barnes. Tell him Kelsea Franklin is here." Kelsea said 

The receptionist called upstairs to Bucky's office. 

"Yeah.." he said as he answered the phone. 

"There is a Kelsea Franklin.." the woman said 

"Don't let her up.." he said as he hung up. 

He ran to security and he saw Kelsea leaving. "Fuck.." he said as he made his way downstairs. 

He caught up to her on the sidewalk. 

"Have you lost your god damn mind?." He said 

She stopped and turned around. "You're married! You lied to me!" She said 

Bucky couldn't say anything and he kept eye balling his surroundings. "I'm pregnant.." she said 

"Shh!" He said as he covered her mouth.

"Do you know who I am.." he whispered 

"I thought I did. But I found out this morning that I was wrong." She said as she threw the magazine spread at him. 

"And what makes you so sure that the baby is mine. How do I know that you don't do what we did all the time?" He said 

Tears fell down. "Don't come back here again." He said 

She wiped the tears away and walked away. Bucky walked back to the office leaving the magazine on the sidewalk. When he got up to his office he took a deep breathe trying to shake the feeling that he made a mistake. 

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