(21) Bucky Makes Amends & Moves

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A week later 

Kelsea was coming into her office sipping her coffee. 

"Ms Franklin there was a early morning delivery I already signed for it." Her assistant said 

"Thank you Emily." Kelsea as she opened the door. 

When she walked into her office she saw roses all over her office. She walked over to her desk where the main one was. She sat all of her stuff down pulled the card.

"I'll forever be sorry for the pain I caused. I know what I did and how I acted was wrong. You didn't deserve any of that. Please give me a chance to make this right Kelsea. Have dinner with me?-James

She bit her lip as she slipped the card back in and sat down. As the day went on she kept thinking about his dinner invitation especially when she looked at all the roses. Around 2PM MJ and Peter came running in.

"Turn on the tv." She said as she found her remote. 

"What's going on?" Kelsea said 

MJ turned it to the channel. Across the screen said "James Barnes III to make a statement." 

Within in a few minutes Bucky walked out of his office building with Winnie his brother Donovan and the family's publicist Shelby.

Shelby walked up to the microphones. "Good afternoon everyone. This is how this is going to go. Mr Barnes is going to make a statement regarding his part of the Barnes family scandal. There will be no questions afterwards. Now I'm going to let him speak." Shelby said as cameras flashed.

Bucky walked up to the microphones with his note cards that had his speech on it. Donovan helped him put it together. The older brothers were use to public speaking on their dad's behalf Bucky has always stayed away from politics. 

Good afternoon, I am James Barnes III the son of Governor James Barnes. And I know you have heard a lot about my infidelity with Ms Kelsea Franklin. I have no one to blame but myself..and I want sincerely apologize to my family my friends and to everyone else involved for trying to hide this. But more importantly I want to apologize to Ms Franklin and my late wife Rochelle they both deserved better. And I can't blame Ms Franklin or my family for being angry with me. And that is all I have to say about the matter. Thank you." He said and he walked away. 

Cameras went crazy and reporters were shouting questions as they walked back inside. Kelsea stood in her office stunned. Not realizing that Tony had come in, Abby and Jason had watched from home they were both in shock as well. But nobody was more shocked than James and his father who saw the whole thing as they were at the country club. 

Once the shock and awe wore off. Tony finally said "Good afternoon you three. So I came by here to tell you all that I would like to invest in your company." 

"Really?" Kelsea said 

"Yes." He said 

They all sat down and began the paperwork. Once the paperwork was done MJ and Peter left. 

"What's with the roses?" Tony said 

"The one that was just on the screen sent them. He apologized and asked me to dinner." She said as they left together. 

On the Barnes ranch Bucky was talking to his mom over some late lunch. When his grandparents came over. 

"Boy have you lost your marbles?!" James Sr said 

Bucky looked at his grandparents. "You did an excellent job sweetie." Dianna said as she hugged him. 

"I called your grandfather cause he has to approve it." Winnie said 

"Approve what?" James Sr said 

"I'm going to ask Kelsea if we can change my son's name and set up his trust fund." Bucky said 

"Lloyd said he needs you to sign off on the trust fund paperwork." Winnie said 

"Like hell I'm approving anything till that little tarte proves that he's actually yours! You really have lost your marbles!" James Sr said 

"That is enough! I've seen the boy! He looks just like my son and my grandson Paxton. The only difference is he has a darker skin tone and curly hair. So why don't you back off my son!" Winnie snapped 

"James honey I believe that baby is his. Sign off on the papers or you will be sleeping alone." Dianna said 

James Sr quickly recoiled his temper and signed the paperwork and walked out.

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