(22) Threats, First Dates & Playdates

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Three days later 

Kelsea MJ and Peter were in the middle of a meeting with Tony. When Bucky sent her a text message about dinner and setting up a play date. She just ignored it and continued working when their meeting was over. Tony and her were alone again. 

"He's still wanting dinner?" Tony said 

She looked away. "Look I'm not gonna tell you what to do. But if you do decide to go just be careful." Tony said 

"Yeah.." she said 

That night after she got home from work and picking up Kyrie from daycare. She called Bucky to let him know that she will go to dinner with him. They would discuss the kids meeting over dinner. She let Tony know what she decided as well. 

The next morning Tony made a stop to the Barnes office building. Bucky looked up when his assistant opened the door to let Tony in. 

"I'm just here to say one thing. If you ever hurt her again I'll end you. Do you understand?" Tony said 

"Tony I have no intentions of hurting her. I want to be a family with her I want to see my son. I'm not looking for a good time. I'm 33 years old a widow with two kids. Yes I made a mistake but it isn't what you and everyone else seems to think about me. And for the record I had no idea that my dad threatened her or berated her. That had nothing to do with me when he and my grandfather said that they would take care of it I thought they meant that they would make sure it wouldn't get leaked. Not what they did actually." Bucky said 

"Well I just want to make sure we are clear." Tony said and walked out. 


A week later 

Bucky picked up Kelsea for their date at The Grill. After they placed their order he took a sip of his water. 

"James be honest, what happened?" She said 

He looked down. "I felt things with you that weekend. It felt like I was coming up for air for the first time in 12 years old." He said 

He sighed. "But then I got text messages from her and my dad. I suddenly had to remember that even though I had found you and felt like myself again. That I was married and had a life outside that imaginary bubble we were in that weekend. The week that I was suppose to go file for divorce after mulling it around and couldn't stop my mind from going back to you. She was diagnosed with cancer. That is also the same week you showed up. I couldn't leave her Kelsea what kind of husband would I have been if I filed for divorce the same week she gets a cancer diagnosis. It broke me inside to watch you walk away in tears but I told myself it was for the best." He said 

She looked down. "I didn't want to be rude or say those things." He said 

He grabbed her hand. "Kelsea..I'm serious." He said as he scooted his chair closer to hers. 

He lifted her chin and kissed her. "I've missed you." He whispered 

They continued to talk about other things. She agreed to the name change for Kyrie and a play date. When he walked her back to her apartment they made out against the door.

"You get one more chance Mr Barnes. But after this you screw up and we co parent." She said 

"Oh yes ma'am." He said 

The following Tuesday the state requires proof of paternity so Bucky and Kyrie got a paternity test done. Once they had proof that he was in fact his son. They were able to approve the name change and was able to get his trust fund set up. 

A week after they got all the legalities out of the way. They took the kids to LEGOland Paxton and  Kyrie took to each other right away. Madison was a daddy's girl and sat on his shoulders as the two boys held hands walking. They got pictures of their family filled day as the kids had fun exploring building and riding rides as well as playing games. 

When the day was over they went to Bucky's house. After all three passed out in their rooms Bucky found Kelsea. 

"So he's out. Him and Pax are sharing the bottom bunk." He said as he showed her the security camera footage on his phone. 

"Well that's good." She said 

He began to pour her a glass of wine. "So how am I suppose to get home?" She said 

"Um you can go home in the morning. Come on get your wine and follow me." He said 

"Bucky.." she whispered as she followed him. 

He ran them a hot bubble bath. They sat opposite and he massaged her feet. 

"So do you have a guest bedroom?" She said 

"I do but you are sleeping with me." He said 

"Bucky that bed..I can't sleep on that bed." She said 

"Why not? It's comfortable." He said 

"Because that is the bed you shared with Rochelle where you made your babies with love. I can't sleep in that bed.  I feel weird being here in the first place." She said 

He shook his head at her. "It's fine. She didn't live her the last year of her life she spent it at the hospice center." He said 

"That's not the point." She said as they got out of the tub. 

To make her feel better they slept in the guest room all night. 

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