(26) Meet The Franklins

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Two weeks later 

Bucky and Kelsea made the long trip to New Jersey. They pulled up to Lincoln's parents house.

"What a house." She whispered 

They made their way up to the door as Lincoln opened it. "Kelsea it's so good to see you again." He said 

"Nice to see you again. This is James my boyfriend Kyrie and his two kids from his previous marriage Madison and Paxton." Kelsea said 

"Nice to meet you all. We have a playroom filled with kids. Come on." Lincoln said 

They took the kids to the playroom and the boys took off. Madison latched to Bucky's leg. He picked her up and they went on to meet the rest of Kelsea's family. They told her so many stories about her mom and her dad together. Her grandmother had pictures of them together including when he left for the military and deployment. 

Just like when she met her mom's family she felt right at home and felt she belonged there. By the end of the night she had a phone filled with numbers of her family. Pictures and memories of the trip that whole weekend. They agreed to come back for Christmas. 

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